Source code for burnman.eos.cork

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit
# for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2023 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

# TO DO: Correct heat capacity, volume where internal order-disorder is
# implemented (Landau and Bragg-Williams models)

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

from . import equation_of_state as eos
from .. import constants

import warnings

def cork_variables(cork, cork_P, cork_T, temperature):
    a = (
        cork[0][0] * cork_T ** (2.5) / cork_P
        + cork[0][1] * cork_T ** (1.5) / cork_P * temperature
    b = cork[1][0] * cork_T / cork_P
    c = (
        cork[2][0] * cork_T / cork_P ** (1.5)
        + cork[2][1] / cork_P ** (1.5) * temperature
    d = (
        cork[3][0] * cork_T / cork_P ** (2.0)
        + cork[3][1] / cork_P ** (2.0) * temperature
    return [a, b, c, d]

[docs] class CORK(eos.EquationOfState): """ Class for the CoRK equation of state detailed in :cite:`HP1991`. The CoRK EoS is a simple virial-type extension to the modified Redlich-Kwong (MRK) equation of state. It was designed to compensate for the tendency of the MRK equation of state to overestimate volumes at high pressures and accommodate the volume behaviour of coexisting gas and liquid phases along the saturation curve. """
[docs] def grueneisen_parameter(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns grueneisen parameter [unitless] as a function of pressure, temperature, and volume. """ alpha = self.thermal_expansivity(pressure, temperature, volume, params) K_T = self.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss(pressure, temperature, volume, params) C_V = self.molar_heat_capacity_v(pressure, temperature, volume, params) return alpha * K_T * volume / C_V
[docs] def volume(self, pressure, temperature, params): """ Returns volume [m^3] as a function of pressure [Pa] and temperature [K] Eq. 7 in Holland and Powell, 1991 """ cork = cork_variables( params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"], temperature ) V = constants.gas_constant * temperature / pressure + ( cork[1] - cork[0] * constants.gas_constant * np.sqrt(temperature) / ( (constants.gas_constant * temperature + cork[1] * pressure) * (constants.gas_constant * temperature + 2.0 * cork[1] * pressure) ) + cork[2] * np.sqrt(pressure) + cork[3] * pressure ) return V
[docs] def isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns isothermal bulk modulus [Pa] as a function of pressure [Pa], temperature [K], and volume [m^3]. EQ 13+2 """ cork = cork_variables( params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"], temperature ) dVdP = -constants.gas_constant * temperature / (pressure * pressure) + ( -cork[0] * cork[1] / np.sqrt(temperature) * ( 1.0 / np.power( constants.gas_constant * temperature + cork[1] * pressure, 2.0 ) - 4.0 / np.power( constants.gas_constant * temperature + 2.0 * cork[1] * pressure, 2.0 ) ) + 0.5 * cork[2] / np.sqrt(pressure) + cork[3] ) return -volume / dVdP
# calculate the shear modulus as a function of P, V, and T
[docs] def shear_modulus(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Not implemented. Returns 0. Could potentially apply a fixed Poissons ratio as a rough estimate. """ return 0.0
# Cv, heat capacity at constant volume
[docs] def molar_heat_capacity_v(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns heat capacity at constant volume at the pressure, temperature, and volume [J/K/mol]. """ C_p = self.molar_heat_capacity_p(pressure, temperature, volume, params) V = self.volume(pressure, temperature, params) alpha = self.thermal_expansivity(pressure, temperature, volume, params) K_T = self.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss(pressure, temperature, volume, params) return C_p - V * temperature * alpha * alpha * K_T
[docs] def thermal_expansivity(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns thermal expansivity at the pressure, temperature, and volume [1/K] Replace -Pth in EQ 13+1 with P-Pth for non-ambient temperature """ cork = cork_variables( params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"], temperature ) dcorkdT = params["dcorkdT"] RT = constants.gas_constant * temperature c1P = cork[1] * pressure dVdT = constants.gas_constant / pressure + ( -dcorkdT[0] * constants.gas_constant * np.sqrt(temperature) / ((RT + c1P) * (RT + 2.0 * c1P)) + 0.5 * cork[0] * constants.gas_constant * (-2.0 * np.power(c1P, 2.0) + 3.0 * RT * (c1P + RT)) / np.sqrt(temperature) / (np.power(RT + c1P, 2.0) * np.power(RT + 2.0 * c1P, 2.0)) + dcorkdT[2] * np.sqrt(pressure) + dcorkdT[3] * pressure ) return dVdT / volume
# Heat capacity at ambient pressure
[docs] def molar_heat_capacity_p0(self, temperature, params): """ Returns heat capacity at ambient pressure as a function of temperature [J/K/mol] Cp = a + bT + cT^-2 + dT^-0.5 in Holland and Powell, 2011 """ Cp = ( params["Cp"][0] + params["Cp"][1] * temperature + params["Cp"][2] * np.power(temperature, -2.0) + params["Cp"][3] * np.power(temperature, -0.5) ) return Cp
[docs] def molar_heat_capacity_p(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns heat capacity at constant pressure at the pressure, temperature, and volume [J/K/mol] """ T_0 = params["T_0"] P_relative = pressure - params["P_0"] Cp0 = self.molar_heat_capacity_p0(temperature, params) if params["cork_T"] == 0: d2RTlnfdTdT = 0.0 else: cork = cork_variables( params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"], temperature ) dcorkdT = params["dcorkdT"] RT = constants.gas_constant * temperature c1P = cork[1] * P_relative logterm = np.log(RT + c1P) - np.log(RT + 2.0 * c1P) dlogtermdT = constants.gas_constant * ( (1.0 / (RT + c1P) - 1.0 / (RT + 2.0 * c1P)) ) d2logtermdTdT = -( constants.gas_constant * constants.gas_constant * ( ( 1.0 / np.power(RT + c1P, 2.0) - 1.0 / np.power(RT + 2.0 * c1P, 2.0) ) ) ) a = dcorkdT[0] / (cork[1] * np.sqrt(temperature)) - cork[0] / ( 2.0 * cork[1] * temperature * np.sqrt(temperature) ) dadT = ( -0.5 * dcorkdT[0] / (cork[1] * temperature * np.sqrt(temperature)) - dcorkdT[0] / (2.0 * cork[1] * temperature * np.sqrt(temperature)) + 3.0 * cork[0] / (4.0 * cork[1] * temperature * temperature * np.sqrt(temperature)) ) b = cork[0] / (cork[1] * np.sqrt(temperature)) dbdT = dcorkdT[0] / (cork[1] * np.sqrt(temperature)) - 0.5 * b / temperature d2RTlnfdTdT = ( dadT * logterm + a * dlogtermdT + dbdT * dlogtermdT + b * d2logtermdTdT ) # Second temperature derivative of Eq. 8 in Holland and Powell, 1991 return Cp0 - temperature * d2RTlnfdTdT
[docs] def isentropic_bulk_modulus_reuss(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns adiabatic bulk modulus [Pa] as a function of pressure [Pa], temperature [K], and volume [m^3]. """ K_T = self.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss(pressure, temperature, volume, params) C_p = self.molar_heat_capacity_p(pressure, temperature, volume, params) C_v = self.molar_heat_capacity_v(pressure, temperature, volume, params) K_S = K_T * C_p / C_v return K_S
[docs] def gibbs_free_energy(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns the gibbs free energy [J/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa] and temperature [K]. """ T_0 = params["T_0"] P_relative = pressure - params["P_0"] # Calculate temperature and pressure integrals intCpdT = ( params["Cp"][0] * temperature + 0.5 * params["Cp"][1] * np.power(temperature, 2.0) - params["Cp"][2] / temperature + 2.0 * params["Cp"][3] * np.sqrt(temperature) ) - ( params["Cp"][0] * T_0 + 0.5 * params["Cp"][1] * T_0 * T_0 - params["Cp"][2] / T_0 + 2.0 * params["Cp"][3] * np.sqrt(T_0) ) intCpoverTdT = ( params["Cp"][0] * np.log(temperature) + params["Cp"][1] * temperature - 0.5 * params["Cp"][2] / np.power(temperature, 2.0) - 2.0 * params["Cp"][3] / np.sqrt(temperature) ) - ( params["Cp"][0] * np.log(T_0) + params["Cp"][1] * T_0 - 0.5 * params["Cp"][2] / (T_0 * T_0) - 2.0 * params["Cp"][3] / np.sqrt(T_0) ) if params["cork_T"] == 0: RTlnf = 0.0 else: cork = cork_variables( params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"], temperature ) RTlnf = ( constants.gas_constant * temperature * np.log(1e-5 * P_relative) + cork[1] * P_relative + cork[0] / (cork[1] * np.sqrt(temperature)) * ( np.log(constants.gas_constant * temperature + cork[1] * P_relative) - np.log( constants.gas_constant * temperature + 2.0 * cork[1] * P_relative ) ) + 2.0 / 3.0 * cork[2] * P_relative * np.sqrt(P_relative) + cork[3] / 2.0 * P_relative * P_relative ) # Eq. 8 in Holland and Powell, 1991 return ( params["H_0"] + intCpdT - temperature * (params["S_0"] + intCpoverTdT) + RTlnf )
[docs] def entropy(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns the entropy [J/K/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa] and temperature [K]. """ T_0 = params["T_0"] P_relative = pressure - params["P_0"] intCpoverTdT = ( params["Cp"][0] * np.log(temperature) + params["Cp"][1] * temperature - 0.5 * params["Cp"][2] / np.power(temperature, 2.0) - 2.0 * params["Cp"][3] / np.sqrt(temperature) ) - ( params["Cp"][0] * np.log(T_0) + params["Cp"][1] * T_0 - 0.5 * params["Cp"][2] / (T_0 * T_0) - 2.0 * params["Cp"][3] / np.sqrt(T_0) ) if params["cork_T"] == 0: dRTlnfdT = 0.0 else: cork = cork_variables( params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"], temperature ) dcorkdT = params["dcorkdT"] logterm = np.log( constants.gas_constant * temperature + cork[1] * P_relative ) - np.log( constants.gas_constant * temperature + 2.0 * cork[1] * P_relative ) dRTlnfdT = ( constants.gas_constant * np.log(1e-5 * P_relative) + ( dcorkdT[0] / (cork[1] * np.sqrt(temperature)) - cork[0] / (2.0 * cork[1] * temperature * np.sqrt(temperature)) ) * logterm + (cork[0] / (cork[1] * np.sqrt(temperature))) * constants.gas_constant * ( ( 1.0 / (constants.gas_constant * temperature + cork[1] * P_relative) - 1.0 / ( constants.gas_constant * temperature + 2.0 * cork[1] * P_relative ) ) ) + 2.0 / 3.0 * dcorkdT[2] * P_relative * np.sqrt(P_relative) + dcorkdT[3] / 2.0 * P_relative * P_relative ) # Temperature derivative of Eq. 8 in Holland and Powell, 1991 return params["S_0"] + intCpoverTdT - dRTlnfdT
[docs] def helmholtz_free_energy(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): return self.gibbs_free_energy( pressure, temperature, volume, params ) - pressure * self.volume(pressure, temperature, params)
[docs] def enthalpy(self, pressure, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns the enthalpy [J/mol] as a function of pressure [Pa] and temperature [K]. """ gibbs = self.gibbs_free_energy(pressure, temperature, volume, params) entropy = self.entropy(pressure, temperature, volume, params) return gibbs + temperature * entropy
[docs] def pressure(self, temperature, volume, params): """ Returns pressure [Pa] as a function of temperature [K] and volume[m^3] """ return NotImplementedError("")
[docs] def validate_parameters(self, params): """ Check for existence and validity of the parameters """ if "T_0" not in params: params["T_0"] = 298.15 if "P_0" not in params: params["P_0"] = 0.0 # if G and Gprime are not included this is presumably deliberate, # as we can model density and bulk modulus just fine without them, # so just add them to the dictionary as nans if "H_0" not in params: params["H_0"] = float("nan") if "S_0" not in params: params["S_0"] = float("nan") cork, cork_P, cork_T = params["cork_params"], params["cork_P"], params["cork_T"] if "dcorkdT" not in params: params["dcorkdT"] = [ cork[0][1] * cork_T ** (1.5) / cork_P, 0.0, cork[2][1] / cork_P ** (1.5), cork[3][1] / cork_P ** (2.0), ] # check that all the required keys are in the dictionary expected_keys = ["cork_params", "cork_T", "cork_P", "Cp"] for k in expected_keys: if k not in params: raise KeyError("params object missing parameter : " + k) # now check that the values are reasonable. I mostly just # made up these values from experience, and we are only # raising a warning. Better way to do this? [IR] # no test for H_0 if params["S_0"] is not float("nan") and params["S_0"] < 0.0: warnings.warn("Unusual value for S_0", stacklevel=2) if params["cork_T"] < -1.0: warnings.warn("Unusual value for cork_T", stacklevel=2) if params["cork_P"] < 1.0e4 or params["cork_P"] > 1.0e8: warnings.warn("Unusual value for cork_P", stacklevel=2) if self.molar_heat_capacity_p0(params["T_0"], params) < 0.0: warnings.warn("Negative heat capacity at T_0", stacklevel=2) if self.molar_heat_capacity_p0(2000.0, params) < 0.0: warnings.warn("Negative heat capacity at 2000K", stacklevel=2)