Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit
# for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from sympy import Matrix
from scipy.linalg import block_diag

import logging
import importlib
from ..classes.polytope import MaterialPolytope, independent_row_indices
from ..classes.solution import Solution
from ..classes.composite import Composite
from .solution import transform_solution_to_new_basis

    cp = importlib.import_module("cvxpy")
except ImportError as err:
        f"Warning: {err}. " "For full functionality of BurnMan, please install cvxpy."

[docs] def solution_polytope_from_charge_balance( charges, charge_total, return_fractions=False ): """ Creates a polytope object from a list of the charges for each species on each site and the total charge for all site-species. :param charges: 2D list containing the total charge for species j on site i, including the site multiplicity. So, for example, a solution with the site formula [Mg,Fe]3[Mg,Al,Si]2Si3O12 would have the following list: [[6., 6.], [4., 6., 8.]]. :type charges: 2D list of floats :param charge_total: The total charge for all site-species per formula unit. The example given above would have charge_total = 12. :type charge_total: float :param return_fractions: Determines whether the created polytope object returns its attributes (such as endmember occupancies) as fractions or as floats. Default is False. :type return_fractions: bool :returns: A polytope object corresponding to the parameters provided. :rtype: :class:`burnman.polytope.MaterialPolytope` object """ n_sites = len(charges) all_charges = np.concatenate(charges) n_site_elements = len(all_charges) equalities = np.empty((n_sites + 1, n_site_elements + 1)) equalities[:-1, 0] = -1 i = 0 for i_site, site_charges in enumerate(charges): equalities[i_site, 1:] = [ 1 if (j >= i and j < i + len(site_charges)) else 0 for j in range(n_site_elements) ] i += len(site_charges) equalities[-1, 0] = -charge_total equalities[-1, 1:] = all_charges pos_constraints = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((len(equalities[0]) - 1, 1)), np.identity(len(equalities[0]) - 1)), axis=1, ) return MaterialPolytope( equalities, pos_constraints, return_fractions=return_fractions )
[docs] def solution_polytope_from_endmember_occupancies( endmember_occupancies, return_fractions=False ): """ Creates a polytope object from a list of independent endmember occupancies. :param endmember_occupancies: 2D list containing the site-species occupancies j for endmember i. So, for example, a solution with independent endmembers [Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12, [Mg]3[Mg0.5Si0.5]2Si3O12, [Fe]3[Al]2Si3O12 might have the following array: [[1., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.5, 0.5], [0., 1., 1., 0., 0.]], where the order of site-species is Mg_A, Fe_A, Al_B, Mg_B, Si_B. :type endmember_occupancies: 2D numpy array :param return_fractions: Determines whether the created polytope object returns its attributes (such as endmember occupancies) as fractions or as floats. :type return_fractions: bool :returns: A polytope object corresponding to the parameters provided. :rtype: :class:`burnman.polytope.MaterialPolytope` object """ n_sites = sum(endmember_occupancies[0]) n_occs = endmember_occupancies.shape[1] nullspace = np.array(Matrix(endmember_occupancies).nullspace(), dtype=float) equalities = np.zeros((len(nullspace) + 1, n_occs + 1)) equalities[0, 0] = -n_sites equalities[0, 1:] = 1 if len(nullspace) > 0: try: equalities[1:, 1:] = nullspace except ValueError: equalities[1:, 1:] = nullspace[:, :, 0] pos_constraints = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((len(equalities[0]) - 1, 1)), np.identity(len(equalities[0]) - 1)), axis=1, ) return MaterialPolytope( equalities, pos_constraints, return_fractions=return_fractions, independent_endmember_occupancies=endmember_occupancies, )
[docs] def composite_polytope_at_constrained_composition( composite, composition, return_fractions=False ): """ Creates a polytope object from a Composite object and a composition. This polytope describes the complete set of valid composite endmember amounts that satisfy the compositional constraints. :param composite: A composite containing one or more Solution and Mineral objects. :type composite: :class:`burnman.Composite` object :param composition: A dictionary containing the amounts of each element. :type composition: dict :param return_fractions: Determines whether the created polytope object returns its attributes (such as endmember occupancies) as fractions or as floats. :type return_fractions: bool :returns: A polytope object corresponding to the parameters provided. :rtype: :class:`burnman.polytope.MaterialPolytope` object """ c_array = np.empty((composite.n_elements, 1)) c_array[:, 0] = [ -composition[e] if e in composition else 0.0 for e in composite.elements ] equalities = np.concatenate((c_array, composite.stoichiometric_array.T), axis=1) eoccs = [] for i, ph in enumerate(composite.phases): if isinstance(ph, Solution): eoccs.append(ph.solution_model.endmember_occupancies.T) else: eoccs.append(np.ones((1, 1))) eoccs = block_diag(*eoccs) inequalities = np.concatenate((np.zeros((len(eoccs), 1)), eoccs), axis=1) return MaterialPolytope( equalities, inequalities, number_type="float", return_fractions=return_fractions )
[docs] def simplify_composite_with_composition(composite, composition): """ Takes a composite and a composition, and returns the simplest composite object that spans the solution space at the given composition. For example, if the composition is given as {'Mg': 2., 'Si': 1.5, 'O': 5.}, and the composite is given as a mix of Mg,Fe olivine and pyroxene solutions, this function will return a composite that only contains the Mg-bearing endmembers. If the solutions have endmember proportions that are consistent with the bulk composition, the site occupancies of the new solution models are set to the values in the original models. :param composite: The initial Composite object. :type composite: :class:`burnman.Composite` object :param composition: A dictionary containing the amounts of each element. :type composition: dict :returns: The simplified Composite object :rtype: :class:`burnman.Composite` object """ polytope = composite_polytope_at_constrained_composition( composite, composition, return_fractions=True ) composite_changed = False new_phases = [] mbr_amounts = polytope.endmember_occupancies i = 0 for i_ph, n_mbrs in enumerate(composite.endmembers_per_phase): ph = composite.phases[i_ph] amounts = mbr_amounts[:, i : i + n_mbrs].astype(float) i += n_mbrs rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(amounts, tol=1.0e-8) if rank < n_mbrs: if isinstance(ph, Solution) and rank > 0: if len(amounts) > 1: c_mean = np.mean(amounts, axis=0) else: c_mean = amounts[0] poly = solution_polytope_from_endmember_occupancies( ph.solution_model.endmember_occupancies ) dmbrs = poly.endmembers_as_independent_endmember_amounts x = cp.Variable(dmbrs.shape[0]) objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x)) constraints = [dmbrs.T @ x == c_mean, x >= 0] prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve() mbr_indices = np.argsort(x.value)[::-1] ind_indices = [i for i in mbr_indices if x.value[i] > 1.0e-6] new_basis = dmbrs[ind_indices] # And now reduce the new basis if necessary new_basis = new_basis[independent_row_indices(new_basis)] if len(new_basis) < ph.n_endmembers: f"Phase {i_ph} ({}) is " "rank-deficient ({rank} < {n_mbrs}). " "The transformed solution is described " f"using {len(new_basis)} endmembers." ) composite_changed = True # If the composition is set and # consistent with the new basis, # make a new solution with the composition # already set. try: sol = np.linalg.lstsq( new_basis.T, ph.molar_fractions, rcond=None ) if sol[1][0] > 1.0e-10: f = None else: f = sol[0] except AttributeError: f = None new_name = f"{} (transformed)" soln = transform_solution_to_new_basis( ph, new_basis, solution_name=new_name, molar_fractions=f ) for h, name in enumerate(soln.endmember_names): if name == "User-created endmember": new_name = ( f"Derived member (occupancies: {soln.endmembers[h][1]})" ) soln.endmembers[h][0].name = new_name soln.endmember_names[h] = new_name new_phases.append(soln) else: "This solution is rank-deficient " f"({rank} < {n_mbrs}), " "but its composition requires all " "independent endmembers." ) else: composite_changed = True f"Phase {i_ph} ({}) removed from " "composite (rank = 0)." ) else: new_phases.append(ph) if composite_changed: return Composite(new_phases) else: return composite