Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import operator
import bisect
import pkgutil
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from collections import Counter
import itertools
import warnings

from . import constants

[docs]def copy_documentation(copy_from): """ Decorator @copy_documentation(another_function) will copy the documentation found in a different function (for example from a base class). The docstring applied to some function a() will be :: (copied from BaseClass.some_function): <documentation from BaseClass.some_function> <optionally the documentation found in a()> """ def mydecorator(func): def wrapper(*args): return func(*args) old = "" if func.__doc__: old = "\n" + func.__doc__ copied_from = "" if hasattr(copy_from, "__name__"): copied_from = "(copied from " + copy_from.__name__ + "):\n" wrapper.__doc__ = copied_from + copy_from.__doc__ + old wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapper return mydecorator
[docs]def flatten(arr): return (flatten(arr[0]) + (flatten(arr[1:]) if len(arr) > 1 else []) if type(arr) is list or type(arr) is np.ndarray else [arr])
[docs]def round_to_n(x, xerr, n): return round(x, -int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(xerr)))) + (n - 1))
[docs]def unit_normalize(a, order=2, axis=-1): """ Calculates the L2 normalized array of numpy array a of a given order and along a given axis. """ l2 = np.atleast_1d(np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, axis, a, order)) l2[l2 == 0] = 1 return a / np.expand_dims(l2, axis)[0][0]
[docs]def pretty_print_values(popt, pcov, params): """ Takes a numpy array of parameters, the corresponding covariance matrix and a set of parameter names and prints the parameters and principal 1-s.d.uncertainties (np.sqrt(pcov[i][i])) in a nice text based format. """ for i, p in enumerate(params): p_rnd = round_to_n(popt[i], np.sqrt(pcov[i][i]), 1) c_rnd = round_to_n(np.sqrt(pcov[i][i]), np.sqrt(pcov[i][i]), 1) if p_rnd != 0.: p_expnt = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(p_rnd))) else: p_expnt = 0. scale = np.power(10., p_expnt) nd = p_expnt - np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(c_rnd))) print('{0:s}: ({1:{4}{5}f} +/- {2:{4}{5}f}) x {3:.0e}'.format(p, p_rnd/scale, c_rnd/scale, scale, 0, (nd)/10.))
[docs]def pretty_print_table(table, use_tabs=False): """ Takes a 2d table and prints it in a nice text based format. If use_tabs=True then only \t is used as a separator. This is useful for importing the data into other apps (Excel, ...). The default is to pad the columns with spaces to make them look neat. The first column is left aligned, while the remainder is right aligned. """ if use_tabs: for r in table: print("\t".join(r).replace("_", "\_")) return def col_width(table, colidx): return max([len(str(row[colidx])) for row in table]) # create a format string with the first column left aligned, the others right # example: {:<27}{:>11}{:>6}{:>8} frmt = "".join( [('{:<' if i == 0 else '{:>') + str(1 + col_width(table, i)) + '}' for i in range(len(table[0]))]) for r in table: print(frmt.format(*r))
[docs]def pretty_plot(): """ Makes pretty plots. Overwrites the matplotlib default settings to allow for better fonts. Slows down plotting """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = '\\usepackage{relsize}' plt.rc('font', family='sanserif')
[docs]def sort_table(table, col=0): """ Sort the table according to the column number """ return sorted(table, key=operator.itemgetter(col))
[docs]def float_eq(a, b): """ Test if two floats are almost equal to each other """ return abs(a - b) < 1e-10 * max(1e-5, abs(a), abs(b))
[docs]def linear_interpol(x, x1, x2, y1, y2): """ Linearly interpolate to point x, between the points (x1,y1), (x2,y2) """ assert(x1 <= x) assert(x2 >= x) assert(x1 <= x2) alpha = (x - x1) / (x2 - x1) return (1. - alpha) * y1 + alpha * y2
[docs]def read_table(filename): datastream = pkgutil.get_data('burnman', 'data/' + filename) datalines = [line.strip() for line in datastream.decode('ascii').split('\n') if line.strip()] table = [] for line in datalines: if (line[0] != '#'): numbers = np.fromstring(line, sep=' ') table.append(numbers) return np.array(table)
[docs]def array_from_file(filename): """ Generic function to read a file containing floats and commented lines into a 2D numpy array. Commented lines are prefixed by the characters # or %. """ f = open(filename, 'r') data = [] datastream = f.close() datalines = [line.strip().split() for line in datastream.split('\n') if line.strip()] for line in datalines: if line[0] != "#" and line[0] != "%": data.append(map(float, line)) data = np.array(zip(*data)) return data
[docs]def cut_table(table, min_value, max_value): tablen = [] for i in range(min_value, max_value, 1): tablen.append(table[i, :]) return tablen
[docs]def lookup_and_interpolate(table_x, table_y, x_value): idx = bisect.bisect_left(table_x, x_value) - 1 if (idx < 0): return table_y[0] elif (idx < len(table_x) - 1): return linear_interpol(x_value, table_x[idx], table_x[idx + 1], table_y[idx], table_y[idx + 1]) else: return table_y[idx]
[docs]def molar_volume_from_unit_cell_volume(unit_cell_v, z): """ Converts a unit cell volume from Angstroms^3 per unitcell, to m^3/mol. Parameters ---------- unit_cell_v : float Unit cell volumes [A^3/unit cell] z : float Number of formula units per unit cell Returns ------- V : float Volume [m^3/mol] """ V = unit_cell_v * constants.Avogadro / 1.e30 / z return V
[docs]def equilibrium_pressure(minerals, stoichiometry, temperature, pressure_initial_guess=1.e5): """ Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries and a temperature of interest, compute the equilibrium pressure of the reaction. Parameters ---------- minerals : list of minerals List of minerals involved in the reaction. stoichiometry : list of floats Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided. Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol] temperature : float Temperature of interest [K] pressure_initial_guess : optional float Initial pressure guess [Pa] Returns ------- pressure : float The equilibrium pressure of the reaction [Pa] """ def eqm(P, T): gibbs = 0. for i, mineral in enumerate(minerals): mineral.set_state(P[0], T) gibbs = gibbs + mineral.gibbs * stoichiometry[i] return gibbs pressure = fsolve(eqm, [pressure_initial_guess], args=(temperature))[0] return pressure
[docs]def equilibrium_temperature(minerals, stoichiometry, pressure, temperature_initial_guess=1000.): """ Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries and a pressure of interest, compute the equilibrium temperature of the reaction. Parameters ---------- minerals : list of minerals List of minerals involved in the reaction. stoichiometry : list of floats Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided. Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol] pressure : float Pressure of interest [Pa] temperature_initial_guess : optional float Initial temperature guess [K] Returns ------- temperature : float The equilibrium temperature of the reaction [K] """ def eqm(T, P): gibbs = 0. for i, mineral in enumerate(minerals): mineral.set_state(P, T[0]) gibbs = gibbs + mineral.gibbs * stoichiometry[i] return gibbs temperature = fsolve(eqm, [temperature_initial_guess], args=(pressure))[0] return temperature
[docs]def invariant_point(minerals_r1, stoichiometry_r1, minerals_r2, stoichiometry_r2, pressure_temperature_initial_guess=[1.e9, 1000.]): """ Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries and a pressure of interest, compute the equilibrium temperature of the reaction. Parameters ---------- minerals : list of minerals List of minerals involved in the reaction. stoichiometry : list of floats Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided. Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol] pressure : float Pressure of interest [Pa] temperature_initial_guess : optional float Initial temperature guess [K] Returns ------- temperature : float The equilibrium temperature of the reaction [K] """ def eqm(PT): P, T = PT gibbs_r1 = 0. for i, mineral in enumerate(minerals_r1): mineral.set_state(P, T) gibbs_r1 = gibbs_r1 + mineral.gibbs * stoichiometry_r1[i] gibbs_r2 = 0. for i, mineral in enumerate(minerals_r2): mineral.set_state(P, T) gibbs_r2 = gibbs_r2 + mineral.gibbs * stoichiometry_r2[i] return [gibbs_r1, gibbs_r2] pressure, temperature = fsolve(eqm, pressure_temperature_initial_guess) return pressure, temperature
[docs]def hugoniot(mineral, P_ref, T_ref, pressures, reference_mineral=None): """ Calculates the temperatures (and volumes) along a Hugoniot as a function of pressure according to the Hugoniot equation U2-U1 = 0.5*(p2 - p1)(V1 - V2) where U and V are the internal energies and volumes (mass or molar) and U = F + TS Parameters ---------- mineral : mineral Mineral for which the Hugoniot is to be calculated. P_ref : float Reference pressure [Pa] T_ref : float Reference temperature [K] pressures : numpy array of floats Set of pressures [Pa] for which the Hugoniot temperature and volume should be calculated reference_mineral : mineral Mineral which is stable at the reference conditions Provides an alternative U_0 and V_0 when the reference mineral transforms to the mineral of interest at some (unspecified) pressure. Returns ------- temperatures : numpy array of floats The Hugoniot temperatures at pressure volumes : numpy array of floats The Hugoniot volumes at pressure """ def Ediff(T, mineral, P, P_ref, U_ref, V_ref): mineral.set_state(P, T[0]) U = mineral.helmholtz + T[0] * mineral.S V = mineral.V return (U - U_ref) - 0.5 * (P - P_ref) * (V_ref - V) if reference_mineral is None: reference_mineral = mineral reference_mineral.set_state(P_ref, T_ref) U_ref = reference_mineral.helmholtz + T_ref * reference_mineral.S V_ref = reference_mineral.V temperatures = np.empty_like(pressures) volumes = np.empty_like(pressures) for i, P in enumerate(pressures): temperatures[i] = fsolve( Ediff, [T_ref], args=(mineral, P, P_ref, U_ref, V_ref))[0] volumes[i] = mineral.V return temperatures, volumes
[docs]def convert_fractions(composite, phase_fractions, input_type, output_type): """ Takes a composite with a set of user defined molar, volume or mass fractions (which do not have to be the fractions currently associated with the composite) and converts the fractions to molar, mass or volume. Conversions to and from mass require a molar mass to be defined for all phases. Conversions to and from volume require set_state to have been called for the composite. Parameters ---------- composite : Composite Composite for which fractions are to be defined. phase_fractions : list of floats List of input phase fractions (of type input_type) input_type : string Input fraction type: 'molar', 'mass' or 'volume' output_type : string Output fraction type: 'molar', 'mass' or 'volume' Returns ------- output_fractions : list of floats List of output phase fractions (of type output_type) """ if input_type == 'volume' or output_type == 'volume': if composite.temperature is None: raise Exception( composite.to_string() + ".set_state(P, T) has not been called, so volume fractions are currently undefined. Exiting.") if input_type == 'molar': molar_fractions = phase_fractions if input_type == 'volume': total_moles = sum( volume_fraction / phase.molar_volume for volume_fraction, phase in zip(phase_fractions, composite.phases)) molar_fractions = [volume_fraction / (phase.molar_volume * total_moles) for volume_fraction, phase in zip(phase_fractions, composite.phases)] if input_type == 'mass': total_moles = sum(mass_fraction / phase.molar_mass for mass_fraction, phase in zip(phase_fractions, composite.phases)) molar_fractions = [mass_fraction / (phase.molar_mass * total_moles) for mass_fraction, phase in zip(phase_fractions, composite.phases)] if output_type == 'volume': total_volume = sum( molar_fraction * phase.molar_volume for molar_fraction, phase in zip(molar_fractions, composite.phases)) output_fractions = [molar_fraction * phase.molar_volume / total_volume for molar_fraction, phase in zip(molar_fractions, composite.phases)] elif output_type == 'mass': total_mass = sum(molar_fraction * phase.molar_mass for molar_fraction, phase in zip(molar_fractions, composite.phases)) output_fractions = [molar_fraction * phase.molar_mass / total_mass for molar_fraction, phase in zip(molar_fractions, composite.phases)] elif output_type == 'molar': output_fractions = molar_fractions return output_fractions
[docs]def bracket(fn, x0, dx, args=(), ratio=1.618, maxiter=100): """ Given a function and a starting guess, find two inputs for the function that bracket a root. Parameters ---------- fn : function The function to bracket x0 : float The starting guess dx : float Small step for starting the search args : parameter list Additional arguments to give to fn ratio : The step size increases by this ratio every step in the search. Defaults to the golden ratio. maxiter : int The maximum number of steps before giving up. Returns ------- xa, xb, fa, fb: floats xa and xb are the inputs which bracket a root of fn. fa and fb are the values of the function at those points. If the bracket function takes more than maxiter steps, it raises a ValueError. """ niter = 0 dx = np.abs(dx) assert(ratio > 1.0) # Get the starting positions f0 = fn(x0, *args) x_left = x0 - dx x_right = x0 + dx f_left = fn(x_left, *args) f_right = fn(x_right, *args) # Overshot zero, try making dx smaller if (f0 - f_left) * (f_right - f0) < 0.: while (f0 - f_left) * (f_right - f0) < 0. and dx > np.finfo('float').eps and niter < maxiter: dx /= ratio x_left = x0 - dx x_right = x0 + dx f_left = fn(x_left, *args) f_right = fn(x_right, *args) niter += 1 if niter == maxiter: # Couldn't find something with same slope in both directions raise ValueError('Cannot find zero.') niter = 0 slope = f_right - f0 if slope > 0. and f0 > 0.: # Walk left dx = -dx x1 = x_left f1 = f_left elif slope > 0. and f0 < 0.: # Walk right x1 = x_right f1 = f_right elif slope < 0. and f0 > 0: # Walk right x1 = x_right f1 = f_right else: # Walk left dx = -dx x1 = x_left f1 = f_left # Do the walking while f0 * f1 > 0. and niter < maxiter: dx *= ratio xnew = x1 + dx fnew = fn(xnew, *args) x0 = x1 f0 = f1 x1 = xnew f1 = fnew niter += 1 if f0 * f1 > 0.: raise ValueError('Cannot find zero.') else: return x0, x1, f0, f1
[docs]def check_eos_consistency(m, P=1.e9, T=300., tol=1.e-4, verbose=False, including_shear_properties=True): """ Compute numerical derivatives of the gibbs free energy of a mineral under given conditions, and check these values against those provided analytically by the equation of state Parameters ---------- m : mineral The mineral for which the equation of state is to be checked for consistency P : float The pressure at which to check consistency T : float The temperature at which to check consistency tol : float The fractional tolerance for each of the checks verbose : boolean Decide whether to print information about each check including_shear_properties : boolean Decide whether to check shear information, which is pointless for liquids and equations of state without shear modulus parameterizations Returns ------- consistency: boolean If all checks pass, returns True """ dT = 1. dP = 1000. m.set_state(P, T) G0 = m.gibbs S0 = m.S V0 = m.V expr = ['G = F + PV', 'G = H - TS', 'G = E - TS + PV'] eq = [[m.gibbs, (m.helmholtz + P*m.V)], [m.gibbs, (m.H - T*m.S)], [m.gibbs, (m.molar_internal_energy - T*m.S + P*m.V)]] m.set_state(P, T + dT) G1 = m.gibbs S1 = m.S V1 = m.V m.set_state(P + dP, T) G2 = m.gibbs V2 = m.V # T derivatives m.set_state(P, T + 0.5*dT) expr.extend(['S = -dG/dT', 'alpha = 1/V dV/dT', 'C_p = T dS/dT']) eq.extend([[m.S, -(G1 - G0)/dT], [m.alpha, (V1 - V0)/dT/m.V], [m.molar_heat_capacity_p, (T + 0.5*dT)*(S1 - S0)/dT]]) # P derivatives m.set_state(P + 0.5*dP, T) expr.extend(['V = dG/dP', 'K_T = -V dP/dV']) eq.extend([[m.V, (G2 - G0)/dP], [m.K_T, -0.5*(V2 + V0)*dP/(V2 - V0)]]) expr.extend(['C_v = Cp - alpha^2*K_T*V*T', 'K_S = K_T*Cp/Cv', 'gr = alpha*K_T*V/Cv']) eq.extend([[m.molar_heat_capacity_v, m.molar_heat_capacity_p - m.alpha*m.alpha*m.K_T*m.V*T], [m.K_S, m.K_T*m.molar_heat_capacity_p/m.molar_heat_capacity_v], [, m.alpha*m.K_T*m.V/m.molar_heat_capacity_v]]) expr.append('Vphi = np.sqrt(K_S/rho)') eq.append([m.bulk_sound_velocity, np.sqrt(m.K_S/m.rho)]) if including_shear_properties: expr.extend(['Vp = np.sqrt((K_S + 4G/3)/rho)', 'Vs = np.sqrt(G_S/rho)']) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") eq.extend([[m.p_wave_velocity, np.sqrt((m.K_S + 4.*m.G/3.)/m.rho)], [m.shear_wave_velocity, np.sqrt(m.G/m.rho)]]) if len(w) == 1: print(w[0].message) print('\nYou can suppress this message by setting the ' 'parameter\nincluding_shear_properties to False ' 'when calling check_eos_consistency.\n') note = '' else: note = ' (not including shear properties)' consistencies = [np.abs(e[0] - e[1]) < np.abs(tol*e[1]) + np.finfo('float').eps for e in eq] eos_is_consistent = np.all(consistencies) if verbose: print('Checking EoS consistency for {0:s}{1}'.format(m.to_string(), note)) print('Expressions within tolerance of {0:2f}'.format(tol)) for i, c in enumerate(consistencies): print('{0:10s} : {1:5s}'.format(expr[i], str(c))) if eos_is_consistent: print('All EoS consistency constraints satisfied for {0:s}'.format(m.to_string())) else: print('Not satisfied all EoS consistency constraints for {0:s}'.format(m.to_string())) return eos_is_consistent
def _pad_ndarray_inverse_mirror(array, padding): """ Pads an ndarray according to an inverse mirror scheme. For example, for a 1D array [2, 4, 6, 7, 8] padded by 3 cells, we have: padding | original array | padding -3 -2 0 | 2 4 6 7 8 | 9 10 12 Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray The array to be padded padding : tuple The number of elements with which to pad the array in each dimension. Returns ------- padded_array: numpy ndarray The padded array """ padded_shape = [n + 2*padding[i] for i, n in enumerate(array.shape)] padded_array = np.zeros(padded_shape) slices = tuple([slice(padding[i], padding[i] + l) for i, l in enumerate(array.shape)]) padded_array[slices] = array padded_array_indices = list(itertools.product(*[range(n + 2*padding[i]) for i, n in enumerate(array.shape)])) inserted_indices = list(itertools.product(*[range(padding[i], padding[i] + l) for i, l in enumerate(array.shape)])) padded_array_indices.extend(inserted_indices) counter = Counter(padded_array_indices) keys = list(counter.keys()) padded_indices = [keys[i] for i, value in enumerate(counter.values()) if value == 1] edge_indices = tuple([tuple([np.min([np.max([axis_idx, padding[dimension]]), padded_array.shape[dimension] - padding[dimension] - 1]) for dimension, axis_idx in enumerate(idx)]) for idx in padded_indices]) mirror_indices = tuple([tuple([2*edge_indices[i][j] - padded_indices[i][j] for j in range(len(array.shape))]) for i in range(len(padded_indices))]) for i, idx in enumerate(padded_indices): padded_array[idx] = 2.*padded_array[edge_indices[i]] - padded_array[mirror_indices[i]] return padded_array
[docs]def smooth_array(array, grid_spacing, gaussian_rms_widths, truncate=4.0, mode='inverse_mirror'): """ Creates a smoothed array by convolving it with a gaussian filter. Grid resolutions and gaussian RMS widths are required for each of the axes of the numpy array. The smoothing is truncated at a user-defined number of standard deviations. The edges of the array can be padded in a number of different ways given by the 'mode' parameter. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray The array to smooth grid_spacing : numpy array of floats The spacing of points along each axis gaussian_rms_widths : numpy array of floats The Gaussian RMS widths/standard deviations for the Gaussian convolution. truncate : float (default=4.) The number of standard deviations at which to truncate the smoothing. mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap', 'inverse_mirror'} The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled either by scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter. Default is 'inverse_mirror', which uses Returns ------- smoothed_array: numpy ndarray The smoothed array """ # gaussian_filter works with standard deviations normalised to # the grid spacing. sigma = tuple(np.array(gaussian_rms_widths)/np.array(grid_spacing)) if mode == 'inverse_mirror': padding = tuple([int(np.ceil(truncate*s)) for s in sigma]) padded_array = _pad_ndarray_inverse_mirror(array, padding) smoothed_padded_array = gaussian_filter(padded_array, sigma=sigma) slices = tuple([slice(padding[i], padding[i] + l) for i, l in enumerate(array.shape)]) smoothed_array = smoothed_padded_array[slices] else: smoothed_array = gaussian_filter(array, sigma=sigma, mode=mode) return smoothed_array
[docs]def interp_smoothed_array_and_derivatives(array, x_values, y_values, x_stdev=0., y_stdev=0., truncate=4., mode='inverse_mirror', indexing='xy'): """ Creates a smoothed array on a regular 2D grid. Smoothing is achieved using Outputs scipy.interpolate.interp2d() interpolators which can be used to query the array, or its derivatives in the x- and y- directions. Parameters ---------- array : 2D numpy array The array to smooth. Each element array[i][j] corresponds to the position x_values[i], y_values[j] x_values : 1D numpy array The gridded x values over which to create the smoothed grid y_values : 1D numpy array The gridded y_values over which to create the smoothed grid x_stdev : float The standard deviation for the Gaussian filter along the x axis y_stdev : float The standard deviation for the Gaussian filter along the x axis truncate : float (optional) The number of standard deviations at which to truncate the smoothing (default = 4.). mode : {'reflect', 'constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'wrap', 'inverse_mirror'} The mode parameter determines how the array borders are handled either by scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter. Default is 'inverse_mirror', which uses indexing : {'xy', 'ij'}, optional Cartesian ('xy', default) or matrix ('ij') indexing of output. See numpy.meshgrid for more details. Returns ------- interps: tuple of three interp2d functors interpolation functions for the smoothed property and the first derivatives with respect to x and y. """ dx = x_values[1] - x_values[0] dy = y_values[1] - y_values[0] if indexing == 'xy': smoothed_array = smooth_array(array=array, grid_spacing=np.array([dy, dx]), gaussian_rms_widths=np.array([y_stdev, x_stdev]), truncate=truncate, mode=mode) elif indexing == 'ij': smoothed_array = smooth_array(array=array, grid_spacing=np.array([dx, dy]), gaussian_rms_widths=np.array([x_stdev, y_stdev]), truncate=truncate, mode=mode).T else: raise Exception('Indexing scheme not recognised. Should be ij or xy.') dSAdydy, dSAdxdx = np.gradient(smoothed_array) interps = (interp2d(x_values, y_values, smoothed_array, kind='linear'), interp2d(x_values, y_values, dSAdxdx/dx, kind='linear'), interp2d(x_values, y_values, dSAdydy/dy, kind='linear')) return interps
[docs]def attribute_function(m, attributes, powers=[]): """ Function which returns a function which can be used to evaluate material properties at a point. This function allows the user to define the property returned as a string. The function can itself be passed to another function (such as nonlinear_fitting.confidence_prediction_bands()). Properties can either be simple attributes (e.g. K_T) or a product of attributes, each raised to some power. Parameters ---------- m : Material The material instance evaluated by the output function. attributes : list of strings The list of material attributes / properties to be evaluated in the product powers : list of floats The powers to which each attribute should be raised during evaluation Returns ------- f : function(x) Function which returns the value of product(a_i**p_i) as a function of condition (x = [P, T, V]) """ if type(attributes) is str: attributes = [attributes] if powers == []: powers = [1. for a in attributes] def f(x): P, T, V = x m.set_state(P, T) value = 1. for a, p in zip(*[attributes, powers]): value *= np.power(getattr(m, a), p) return value return f
[docs]def compare_l2(depth, calc, obs): """ Computes the L2 norm for N profiles at a time (assumed to be linear between points). :type depths: array of float :param depths: depths. :math:`[m]` :type calc: list of arrays of float :param calc: N arrays calculated values, e.g. [mat_vs,mat_vphi] :type obs: list of arrays of float :param obs: N arrays of values (observed or calculated) to compare to , e.g. [seis_vs, seis_vphi] :returns: array of L2 norms of length N :rtype: array of floats """ err = [] for i in range(len(calc)): err.append(l2(depth, calc[i], obs[i])) return err
[docs]def compare_chifactor(calc, obs): """ Computes the chi factor for N profiles at a time. Assumes a 1% a priori uncertainty on the seismic model. :type calc: list of arrays of float :param calc: N arrays calculated values, e.g. [mat_vs,mat_vphi] :type obs: list of arrays of float :param obs: N arrays of values (observed or calculated) to compare to , e.g. [seis_vs, seis_vphi] :returns: error array of length N :rtype: array of floats """ err = [] for i in range(len(calc)): err.append(chi_factor(calc[i], obs[i])) return err
[docs]def l2(x, funca, funcb): """ Computes the L2 norm for one profile(assumed to be linear between points). :type x: array of float :param x: depths :math:`[m]`. :type funca: list of arrays of float :param funca: array calculated values :type funcb: list of arrays of float :param funcb: array of values (observed or calculated) to compare to :returns: L2 norm :rtype: array of floats """ diff = np.array(funca - funcb) diff = diff * diff return integrate.trapz(diff, x)
[docs]def nrmse(x, funca, funcb): """ Normalized root mean square error for one profile :type x: array of float :param x: depths in m. :type funca: list of arrays of float :param funca: array calculated values :type funcb: list of arrays of float :param funcb: array of values (observed or calculated) to compare to :returns: RMS error :rtype: array of floats """ diff = np.array(funca - funcb) diff = diff * diff rmse = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff) / x) nrmse = rmse / (np.max(funca) - np.min(funca)) return nrmse
[docs]def chi_factor(calc, obs): """ :math:`\\chi` factor for one profile assuming 1% uncertainty on the reference model (obs) :type calc: list of arrays of float :param calc: array calculated values :type obs: list of arrays of float :param obs: array of reference values to compare to :returns: :math:`\\chi` factor :rtype: array of floats """ err = np.empty_like(calc) for i in range(len(calc)): err[i] = pow((calc[i] - obs[i]) / (0.01 * np.mean(obs)), 2.) err_tot = np.sum(err) / len(err) return err_tot