Source code for burnman.perplex

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
from os import rename

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d, griddata

from .material import Material, material_property

from .tools import copy_documentation

def create_perplex_table(werami_path, project_name, outfile, n_pressures, n_temperatures, pressure_range=None, temperature_range=None):
    This function uses PerpleX's werami software to output a table file containing the following material properties.
    2 - Density (kg/m3)
    4 - Expansivity (1/K, for volume)
    5 - Compressibility (1/bar, for volume)
    10 - Adiabatic bulk modulus (bar)
    11 - Adiabatic shear modulus (bar)
    12 - Sound velocity (km/s)
    13 - P-wave velocity (Vp, km/s)
    14 - S-wave velocity (Vs, km/s)
    17 - Entropy (J/K/kg)
    18 - Enthalpy (J/kg)
    19 - Heat Capacity (J/K/kg)
    22 - Molar Volume (J/bar)

    print('Working on creating {0}x{1} P-T table file using werami. Please wait.\n'.format(
        n_pressures, n_temperatures))

        str2 = 'y\n{0} {1}\n{2} {3}\n'.format(pressure_range[0]/1.e5, pressure_range[1]/1.e5,
                                              temperature_range[0], temperature_range[1])
        print('Keeping P-T range the same as the original project range.\n')
        str2 = 'n\n'

    stdin = '{0:s}\n2\n' \
        '2\nn\n' \
        '4\nn\n' \
        '5\nn\n' \
        '10\nn\n' \
        '11\nn\n' \
        '12\nn\n' \
        '13\nn\n' \
        '14\nn\n' \
        '17\nn\n' \
        '18\nn\n' \
        '19\nn\n' \
        '22\nn\n' \
        '0\n' \
        '{1:s}' \
        '{2:d} {3:d}\n' \
        '0'.format(project_name, str2, n_pressures, n_temperatures)

    p = Popen(werami_path, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE,
              stderr=STDOUT, encoding='utf8')
    stdout = p.communicate(input=stdin)[0]
    out = [s for s in stdout.split(
        '\n') if "Output has been written to the" in s][0].split()[-1]
    rename(out, outfile)
    print('Output file renamed to {0:s}'.format(outfile))
    print('Processing complete')

[docs]class PerplexMaterial(Material): """ This is the base class for a PerpleX material. States of the material can only be queried after setting the pressure and temperature using set_state(). Instances of this class are initialised with a 2D PerpleX tab file. This file should be in the standard format (as output by werami), and should have columns with the following names: 'rho,kg/m3', 'alpha,1/K', 'beta,1/bar', 'Ks,bar', 'Gs,bar', 'v0,km/s', 'vp,km/s', 'vs,km/s', 's,J/K/kg', 'h,J/kg', 'cp,J/K/kg', 'V,J/bar/mol'. The order of these names is not important. Properties of the material are determined by linear interpolation from the PerpleX grid. They are all returned in SI units on a molar basis, even though the PerpleX tab file is not in these units. This class is available as ``burnman.PerplexMaterial``. """ def __init__(self, tab_file, name='Perple_X material'): = name self.params = {'name': name} self._property_interpolators, self.params['molar_mass'], self.bounds = self._read_2D_perplex_file( tab_file) Material.__init__(self) def _read_2D_perplex_file(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: datastream = lines = [line.strip().split() for line in datastream.split('\n') if line.strip()] if lines[2][0] != '2': raise Exception('This is not a 2D PerpleX table') bounds = [(float(lines[4][0]), float(lines[5][0]), int(lines[6][0])), (float(lines[8][0]), float(lines[9][0]), int(lines[10][0]))] if lines[3][0] == 'P(bar)' and lines[7][0] == 'T(K)': Pmin, Pint, nP = bounds[0] Tmin, Tint, nT = bounds[1] elif lines[3][0] == 'T(K)' and lines[7][0] == 'P(bar)': Pmin, Pint, nP = bounds[1] Tmin, Tint, nT = bounds[0] else: raise Exception('This file does not have a recognised PerpleX structure.\n' 'Are the independent variables P(bar) and T(K)?') Pmin = Pmin*1.e5 # bar to Pa Pint = Pint*1.e5 # bar to Pa Pmax = Pmin + Pint*(nP-1.) Tmax = Tmin + Tint*(nT-1.) pressures = np.linspace(Pmin, Pmax, nP) temperatures = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, nT) n_properties = int(lines[11][0]) property_list = lines[12] # property_table[i][j][k] returns the kth property at the ith pressure and jth temperature table = np.array([[float(string) for string in line] for line in lines[13:13+nP*nT]]) if lines[3][0] == 'P(bar)': property_table = np.swapaxes( table.reshape(nT, nP, n_properties), 0, 1) else: property_table = table.reshape(nP, nT, n_properties) ordered_property_list = ['rho,kg/m3', 'alpha,1/K', 'beta,1/bar', 'Ks,bar', 'Gs,bar', 'v0,km/s', 'vp,km/s', 'vs,km/s', 's,J/K/kg', 'h,J/kg', 'cp,J/K/kg', 'V,J/bar/mol'] p_indices = [i for i, p in enumerate( property_list) for ordered_p in ordered_property_list if p == ordered_p] properties = {} for i, p_idx in enumerate(p_indices): # Fill in NaNs as long as they aren't in the corners of the P-T grid a = np.array(property_table[:, :, [p_idx]][:, :, 0]) x, y = np.indices(a.shape) a[np.isnan(a)] = griddata((x[~np.isnan(a)], y[~np.isnan(a)]), # points we know a[~np.isnan(a)], # values we know (x[np.isnan(a)], y[np.isnan(a)])) # Fill any remaining NaNs with zeros properties[ordered_property_list[i]] = np.nan_to_num(a, 0.) densities = properties['rho,kg/m3'] volumes = 1.e-5 * properties['V,J/bar/mol'] molar_masses = densities*volumes molar_mass = np.mean(molar_masses) property_interpolators = {'rho': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, densities.T, bounds_error=True), 'alpha': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, properties['alpha,1/K'].T, bounds_error=True), 'K_T': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, 1.e5 / properties['beta,1/bar'].T, bounds_error=True), 'K_S': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, 1.e5 * properties['Ks,bar'].T, bounds_error=True), 'G_S': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, 1.e5 * properties['Gs,bar'].T, bounds_error=True), 'bulk_sound_velocity': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, 1.e3*properties['v0,km/s'].T, bounds_error=True), 'p_wave_velocity': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, 1.e3*properties['vp,km/s'].T, bounds_error=True), 's_wave_velocity': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, 1.e3*properties['vs,km/s'].T, bounds_error=True), 'S': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, properties['s,J/K/kg'].T*molar_masses.T, bounds_error=True), 'H': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, properties['h,J/kg'].T*molar_masses.T, bounds_error=True), 'C_p': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, properties['cp,J/K/kg'].T*molar_masses.T, bounds_error=True), 'V': interp2d(pressures, temperatures, volumes.T, bounds_error=True)} bounds = [[Pmin, Pmax], [Tmin, Tmax]] return property_interpolators, molar_mass, bounds @copy_documentation(Material.set_state) def set_state(self, pressure, temperature): if not np.logical_and(np.all(self.bounds[0][0] <= pressure), np.all(pressure <= self.bounds[0][1])): raise ValueError("The set_state pressure ({0:.4f}) is outside the bounds of this rock ({1:.4f}-{2:.4f} GPa)".format(pressure, self.bounds[ 0][0]/1.e9, self.bounds[0][1]/1.e9)) if not np.logical_and(np.all(self.bounds[1][0] <= temperature), np.all(temperature <= self.bounds[1][1])): raise ValueError("The set_state temperature ({0:.1f}) is outside the bounds of this rock ({1:.1f}-{2:.1f} K)".format(temperature, self.bounds[ 1][0], self.bounds[1][1])) Material.set_state(self, pressure, temperature) """ Properties by linear interpolation of Perple_X output """ @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_volume) def molar_volume(self): return self._property_interpolators['V'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_enthalpy) def molar_enthalpy(self): return self._property_interpolators['H'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_entropy) def molar_entropy(self): return self._property_interpolators['S'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.isothermal_bulk_modulus) def isothermal_bulk_modulus(self): return self._property_interpolators['K_T'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.adiabatic_bulk_modulus) def adiabatic_bulk_modulus(self): return self._property_interpolators['K_S'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_heat_capacity_p) def molar_heat_capacity_p(self): return self._property_interpolators['C_p'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.thermal_expansivity) def thermal_expansivity(self): return self._property_interpolators['alpha'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.shear_modulus) def shear_modulus(self): return self._property_interpolators['G_S'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.p_wave_velocity) def p_wave_velocity(self): return self._property_interpolators['p_wave_velocity'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.bulk_sound_velocity) def bulk_sound_velocity(self): return self._property_interpolators['bulk_sound_velocity'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.shear_wave_velocity) def shear_wave_velocity(self): return self._property_interpolators['s_wave_velocity'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] """ Properties from mineral parameters, Legendre transformations or Maxwell relations """ @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_gibbs) def molar_gibbs(self): return self.molar_enthalpy - self.temperature*self.molar_entropy @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_mass) def molar_mass(self): if 'molar_mass' in self.params: return self.params['molar_mass'] else: raise ValueError( "No molar_mass parameter for mineral " + self.to_string + ".") @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.density) def density(self): return self._property_interpolators['rho'](self.pressure, self.temperature)[0] @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_internal_energy) def molar_internal_energy(self): return self.molar_gibbs - self.pressure * self.molar_volume + self.temperature * self.molar_entropy @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_helmholtz) def molar_helmholtz(self): return self.molar_gibbs - self.pressure * self.molar_volume @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.isothermal_compressibility) def isothermal_compressibility(self): return 1. / self.isothermal_bulk_modulus @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.adiabatic_compressibility) def adiabatic_compressibility(self): return 1. / self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.molar_heat_capacity_v) def molar_heat_capacity_v(self): return (self.molar_heat_capacity_p - self.molar_volume * self.temperature * self.thermal_expansivity * self.thermal_expansivity * self.isothermal_bulk_modulus) @material_property @copy_documentation(Material.grueneisen_parameter) def grueneisen_parameter(self): return (self.thermal_expansivity * self.molar_volume * self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus / self.molar_heat_capacity_p)