Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import operator
import bisect
import pkgutil
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from .math import round_to_n, linear_interpol

[docs]class OrderedCounter(Counter, OrderedDict): """ Counter that remembers the order elements are first encountered """ def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, OrderedDict(self)) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (OrderedDict(self),)
[docs]def copy_documentation(copy_from): """ Decorator @copy_documentation(another_function) will copy the documentation found in a different function (for example from a base class). The docstring applied to some function a() will be :: (copied from BaseClass.some_function): <documentation from BaseClass.some_function> <optionally the documentation found in a()> """ def mydecorator(func): def wrapper(*args): return func(*args) old = "" if func.__doc__: old = "\n" + func.__doc__ copied_from = "" if hasattr(copy_from, "__name__"): copied_from = "(copied from " + copy_from.__name__ + "):\n" wrapper.__doc__ = copied_from + copy_from.__doc__ + old wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ return wrapper return mydecorator
[docs]def merge_two_dicts(x, y): """Given two dicts, merge them into a new dict as a shallow copy.""" z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z
[docs]def flatten(arr): return (flatten(arr[0]) + (flatten(arr[1:]) if len(arr) > 1 else []) if type(arr) is list or type(arr) is np.ndarray else [arr])
[docs]def pretty_print_values(popt, pcov, params): """ Takes a numpy array of parameters, the corresponding covariance matrix and a set of parameter names and prints the parameters and principal 1-s.d.uncertainties (np.sqrt(pcov[i][i])) in a nice text based format. """ for i, p in enumerate(params): p_rnd = round_to_n(popt[i], np.sqrt(pcov[i][i]), 1) c_rnd = round_to_n(np.sqrt(pcov[i][i]), np.sqrt(pcov[i][i]), 1) if p_rnd != 0.: p_expnt = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(p_rnd))) else: p_expnt = 0. scale = np.power(10., p_expnt) nd = p_expnt - np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(c_rnd))) print('{0:s}: ({1:{4}{5}f} +/- {2:{4}{5}f}) x {3:.0e}'.format(p, p_rnd/scale, c_rnd/scale, scale, 0, (nd)/10.))
[docs]def pretty_print_table(table, use_tabs=False): """ Takes a 2d table and prints it in a nice text based format. If use_tabs=True then only \t is used as a separator. This is useful for importing the data into other apps (Excel, ...). The default is to pad the columns with spaces to make them look neat. The first column is left aligned, while the remainder is right aligned. """ if use_tabs: for r in table: print("\t".join(r).replace("_", "\_")) return def col_width(table, colidx): return max([len(str(row[colidx])) for row in table]) # create a format string with the first column left aligned, the others right # example: {:<27}{:>11}{:>6}{:>8} frmt = "".join( [('{:<' if i == 0 else '{:>') + str(1 + col_width(table, i)) + '}' for i in range(len(table[0]))]) for r in table: print(frmt.format(*r))
[docs]def sort_table(table, col=0): """ Sort the table according to the column number """ return sorted(table, key=operator.itemgetter(col))
[docs]def read_table(filename): datastream = pkgutil.get_data('burnman', 'data/' + filename) datalines = [line.strip() for line in datastream.decode('ascii').split('\n') if line.strip()] table = [] for line in datalines: if (line[0] != '#'): numbers = np.fromstring(line, sep=' ') table.append(numbers) return np.array(table)
[docs]def array_from_file(filename): """ Generic function to read a file containing floats and commented lines into a 2D numpy array. Commented lines are prefixed by the characters # or %. """ f = open(filename, 'r') data = [] datastream = f.close() datalines = [line.strip().split() for line in datastream.split('\n') if line.strip()] for line in datalines: if line[0] != "#" and line[0] != "%": data.append(map(float, line)) data = np.array(zip(*data)) return data
[docs]def cut_table(table, min_value, max_value): tablen = [] for i in range(min_value, max_value, 1): tablen.append(table[i, :]) return tablen
[docs]def lookup_and_interpolate(table_x, table_y, x_value): idx = bisect.bisect_left(table_x, x_value) - 1 if (idx < 0): return table_y[0] elif (idx < len(table_x) - 1): return linear_interpol(x_value, table_x[idx], table_x[idx + 1], table_y[idx], table_y[idx + 1]) else: return table_y[idx]
[docs]def attribute_function(m, attributes, powers=[]): """ Function which returns a function which can be used to evaluate material properties at a point. This function allows the user to define the property returned as a string. The function can itself be passed to another function (such as nonlinear_fitting.confidence_prediction_bands()). Properties can either be simple attributes (e.g. K_T) or a product of attributes, each raised to some power. Parameters ---------- m : Material The material instance evaluated by the output function. attributes : list of strings The list of material attributes / properties to be evaluated in the product powers : list of floats The powers to which each attribute should be raised during evaluation Returns ------- f : function(x) Function which returns the value of product(a_i**p_i) as a function of condition (x = [P, T, V]) """ if type(attributes) is str: attributes = [attributes] if powers == []: powers = [1. for a in attributes] def f(x): P, T, V = x m.set_state(P, T) value = 1. for a, p in zip(*[attributes, powers]): value *= np.power(getattr(m, a), p) return value return f