Source code for burnman.classes.anisotropicmineral

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit
# for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import expm
from numpy.linalg import cond
from .mineral import Mineral
from .material import Material, material_property
from .anisotropy import AnisotropicMaterial, voigt_compliance_factors
from import copy_documentation
from import cell_parameters_to_vectors
from import cell_vectors_to_parameters

[docs]class AnisotropicMineral(Mineral, AnisotropicMaterial): """ A class implementing the anisotropic mineral equation of state described in :cite:`Myhill2021`. This class is derived from both Mineral and AnisotropicMaterial, and inherits most of the methods from these classes. Instantiation of an AnisotropicMineral takes three arguments; a reference Mineral (i.e. a standard isotropic mineral which provides volume as a function of pressure and temperature), cell_parameters, which give the lengths of the molar cell vectors and the angles between them (see :func:``), and a 4D array of anisotropic parameters which describe the anisotropic behaviour of the mineral. For a description of the physical meaning of these parameters, please refer to the code or to the original paper. States of the mineral can only be queried after setting the pressure and temperature using set_state(). This class is available as ``burnman.AnisotropicMineral``. All the material parameters are expected to be in plain SI units. This means that the elastic moduli should be in Pascals and NOT Gigapascals. Additionally, the cell parameters should be in m/(mol formula unit) and not in unit cell lengths. To convert unit cell lengths given in Angstrom to molar cell parameters you should multiply by 10^(-10) * (N_a / Z)^1/3, where N_a is Avogadro's number and Z is the number of formula units per unit cell. You can look up Z in many places, including Finally, it is assumed that the unit cell of the anisotropic material is aligned in a particular way relative to the coordinate axes (the anisotropic_parameters are defined relative to the coordinate axes). The crystallographic a-axis is assumed to be parallel to the first spatial coordinate axis, and the crystallographic b-axis is assumed to be perpendicular to the third spatial coordinate axis. """ def __init__(self, isotropic_mineral, cell_parameters, anisotropic_parameters): if not np.all(anisotropic_parameters[:, :, 0, 0] == 0): raise Exception("anisotropic_parameters_pqmn should be set to " "zero for all m = n = 0") sum_ijij_block = np.sum(anisotropic_parameters[:3, :3, :, :], axis=(0, 1)) if np.abs(sum_ijij_block[1, 0] - 1.) > 1.e-5: raise Exception('The sum of the upper 3x3 pq-block of ' 'anisotropic_parameters_pqmn must equal ' '1 for m=1, n=0 for consistency with the volume. ' f'Value is {sum_ijij_block[1, 0]}') for m in range(2, len(sum_ijij_block)): if np.abs(sum_ijij_block[m, 0]) > 1.e-10: raise Exception('The sum of the upper 3x3 pq-block of ' 'anisotropic_parameters_pqmn must equal 0 for' f'm={m}, n=0 for consistency with the volume. ' f'Value is {sum_ijij_block[m, 0]}') for m in range(len(sum_ijij_block)): for n in range(1, len(sum_ijij_block[0])): if np.abs(sum_ijij_block[m, n]) > 1.e-10: raise Exception('The sum of the upper 3x3 pq-block of ' 'anisotropic_parameters_pqmn must equal ' f'0 for m={m}, n={n} for ' 'consistency with the volume. ' f'Value is {sum_ijij_block[m, n]}') if cond(anisotropic_parameters[:, :, 1, 0]) > 1/np.finfo(float).eps: raise Exception('anisotropic_parameters[:, :, 1, 0] is singular') sum_lower_left_block = np.sum(anisotropic_parameters[3:, :3, :, :], axis=1) self.orthotropic = True for i, s in enumerate(sum_lower_left_block): if not np.all(np.abs(s) < 1.e-10): self.orthotropic = False self.cell_vectors_0 = cell_parameters_to_vectors(cell_parameters) if (np.abs(np.linalg.det(self.cell_vectors_0) - isotropic_mineral.params['V_0']) > np.finfo(float).eps): factor = np.cbrt(isotropic_mineral.params['V_0'] / np.linalg.det(self.cell_vectors_0)) raise Exception('The standard state unit vectors are inconsistent ' 'with the volume. Suggest multiplying each ' f'by {factor}.') self.c = anisotropic_parameters if 'name' in isotropic_mineral.params: = isotropic_mineral.params['name'] Mineral.__init__(self, isotropic_mineral.params, isotropic_mineral.property_modifiers) @copy_documentation(Material.set_state) def set_state(self, pressure, temperature): # 1) Compute dPthdf|T # relatively large dP needed for accurate estimate of dPthdf Mineral.set_state(self, pressure, temperature) dP = self.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss*1.e-5 Mineral.set_state(self, pressure-dP/2., temperature) V1 = self.V Pth1 = pressure-dP/2. - self.method.pressure(self.params['T_0'], V1, self.params) Mineral.set_state(self, pressure+dP/2., temperature) V2 = self.V Pth2 = pressure+dP/2. - self.method.pressure(self.params['T_0'], V2, self.params) self.dPthdf = (Pth2 - Pth1) / np.log(V2/V1) Mineral.set_state(self, pressure, temperature) # 2) Compute other properties needed for anisotropic equation of state V = self.V V_0 = self.params['V_0'] Vrel = V/V_0 f = np.log(Vrel) Pth = pressure - self.method.pressure(self.params['T_0'], self.V, self.params) # Compute X, dXdPth, dXdf, needed by most anisotropic properties ns = np.arange(self.c.shape[-1]) x = self.c[:, :, 0, :] + self.c[:, :, 1, :]*f dxdf = self.c[:, :, 1, :] for i in list(range(2, self.c.shape[2])): # non-intuitively, the += operator doesn't simply add in-place, # so here we overwrite the arrays with new ones x = x + self.c[:, :, i, :]*np.power(f, float(i))/float(i) dxdf = dxdf + self.c[:, :, i, :] * np.power(f, float(i)-1.) self._Vrel = Vrel self._f = f self.X_Voigt = np.einsum('ikn, n->ik', x, np.power(Pth, ns)) self.dXdPth_Voigt = np.einsum('ikn, n->ik', x[:, :, 1:], ns[1:]*np.power(Pth, ns[1:]-1)) self.dXdf_Voigt = np.einsum('ikn, n->ik', dxdf, np.power(Pth, ns)) def _contract_compliances(self, compliances): """ Takes a compliance tensor in standard (3x3x3x3) form and returns the Voigt form (6x6). Note the compliance factors which are required to maintain the inverse relationship with the corresponding stiffness tensor. """ voigt_notation = np.zeros((6, 6)) for p in range(6): i, j = self._voigt_index_to_ij(p) for q in range(6): m, n = self._voigt_index_to_ij(q) voigt_notation[p, q] = compliances[i, j, m, n] return np.multiply(voigt_notation, voigt_compliance_factors) @material_property def deformation_gradient_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- deformation_gradient_tensor : 2D numpy array The deformation gradient tensor describing the deformation of the mineral from its undeformed state (i.e. the state at the reference pressure and temperature). """ X_full = self._voigt_notation_to_compliance_tensor(self.X_Voigt) F = expm(np.einsum('ijkl, kl', X_full, np.eye(3))) return F @material_property def unrotated_cell_vectors(self): """ Returns ------- unrotated_cell_vectors : 2D numpy array The vectors of the cell constructed from one mole of formula units after deformation of the mineral from its undeformed state (i.e. the state at the reference pressure and temperature). Each vector is given in [m]. See the documentation for the function :func:`` for the assumed relationships between the cell vectors and spatial coordinate axes. """ return @material_property def deformed_coordinate_frame(self): """ Returns ------- deformed_coordinate_frame : 2D numpy array The orientations of the three spatial coordinate axes after deformation of the mineral. For orthotropic minerals, this is equal to the identity matrix, as hydrostatic stresses only induce rotations in monoclinic and triclinic crystals. """ if self.orthotropic: return np.eye(3) else: M = self.unrotated_cell_vectors Q = np.empty((3, 3)) Q[0] = M[0] / np.linalg.norm(M[0]) Q[2] = np.cross(M[0], M[1])/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(M[0], M[1])) Q[1] = np.cross(Q[2], Q[0]) return Q @material_property def rotation_matrix(self): """ Returns ------- rotation_matrix : 2D numpy array The matrix required to rotate the properties of the deformed mineral into the deformed coordinate frame. For orthotropic minerals, this is equal to the identity matrix. """ return self.deformed_coordinate_frame.T @material_property def cell_vectors(self): """ Returns ------- cell_vectors : 2D numpy array The vectors of the cell constructed from one mole of formula units. Each vector is given in [m]. See the documentation for the function :func:`` for the assumed relationships between the cell vectors and spatial coordinate axes. """ if self.orthotropic: return self.unrotated_cell_vectors else: return np.einsum('ij, jk->ik', self.unrotated_cell_vectors, self.rotation_matrix) @material_property def cell_parameters(self): """ Returns ------- cell_parameters : 1D numpy array The molar cell parameters of the mineral, given in standard form: [:math:`a`, :math:`b`, :math:`c`, :math:`\\alpha`, :math:`\\beta`, :math:`\\gamma`], where the first three floats are the lengths of the vectors in [m] defining the cell constructed from one mole of formula units. The last three floats are angles between vectors (given in radians). See the documentation for the function :func:`` for the assumed relationships between the cell vectors and spatial coordinate axes. """ return cell_vectors_to_parameters(self.cell_vectors) @material_property def shear_modulus(self): """ Anisotropic minerals do not (in general) have a single shear modulus. This function returns a NotImplementedError. Users should instead consider directly querying the elements in the isothermal_stiffness_tensor or isentropic_stiffness_tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError("Anisotropic minerals do not have a shear " "modulus property. Query " "the isentropic or isothermal stiffness " "tensors directory, or use" "isentropic_shear_modulus_reuss or " "isentropic_shear_modulus_voigt.") @material_property def isothermal_bulk_modulus(self): """ Anisotropic minerals do not have a single isothermal bulk modulus. This function returns a NotImplementedError. Users should instead consider either using isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss, isothermal_bulk_modulus_voigt, or directly querying the elements in the isothermal_stiffness_tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError("isothermal_bulk_modulus is not " "sufficiently explicit for an " "anisotropic mineral. Did you mean " "isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss?") @material_property def isentropic_bulk_modulus(self): """ Anisotropic minerals do not have a single isentropic bulk modulus. This function returns a NotImplementedError. Users should instead consider either using isentropic_bulk_modulus_reuss, isentropic_bulk_modulus_voigt (both derived from Anisotropicmineral), or directly querying the elements in the isentropic_stiffness_tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError("isentropic_bulk_modulus is not " "sufficiently explicit for an " "anisotropic mineral. Did you mean " "isentropic_bulk_modulus_reuss?") isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss = Mineral.isothermal_bulk_modulus @material_property def isothermal_bulk_modulus_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- isothermal_bulk_modulus_voigt : float The Voigt bound on the isothermal bulk modulus in [Pa]. """ K = np.sum([[self.isothermal_stiffness_tensor[i][k] for k in range(3)] for i in range(3)])/9. return K @material_property def isothermal_compressibility_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- isothermal_compressibility_reuss : float The Reuss bound on the isothermal compressibility in [1/Pa]. """ return 1./self.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss @material_property def isothermal_compliance_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- isothermal_compliance_tensor : 2D numpy array The isothermal compliance tensor [1/Pa] in Voigt form (:math:`\\mathbb{S}_{\\text{T} pq}`). """ S_T = (self.isothermal_compressibility_reuss * (self.dXdf_Voigt + self.dXdPth_Voigt * self.dPthdf)) if self.orthotropic: return S_T else: R = self.rotation_matrix S = self._voigt_notation_to_compliance_tensor(S_T) S_rotated = np.einsum('mi, nj, ok, pl, ijkl->mnop', R, R, R, R, S) return self._contract_compliances(S_rotated) @material_property def thermal_expansivity_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- thermal_expansivity_tensor : 2D numpy array The tensor of thermal expansivities [1/K]. """ a = self.alpha * (self.dXdf_Voigt + self.dXdPth_Voigt * (self.dPthdf + 1./self.isothermal_compressibility_reuss)) alpha = np.einsum('ijkl, kl', self._voigt_notation_to_compliance_tensor(a), np.eye(3)) if self.orthotropic: return alpha else: R = self.rotation_matrix return np.einsum('mi, nj, ij->mn', R, R, alpha) # Derived properties start here @material_property def isothermal_stiffness_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- isothermak_stiffness_tensor : 2D numpy array The isothermal stiffness tensor [Pa] in Voigt form (:math:`\\mathbb{C}_{\\text{T} pq}`). """ return np.linalg.inv(self.isothermal_compliance_tensor) @material_property def full_isothermal_compliance_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- full_isothermak_stiffness_tensor : 4D numpy array The isothermal compliance tensor [1/Pa] in standard form (:math:`\\mathbb{S}_{\\text{T} ijkl}`). """ S_Voigt = self.isothermal_compliance_tensor return self._voigt_notation_to_compliance_tensor(S_Voigt) @material_property def full_isothermal_stiffness_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- full_isothermak_stiffness_tensor : 4D numpy array The isothermal stiffness tensor [Pa] in standard form (:math:`\\mathbb{C}_{\\text{T} ijkl}`). """ return self._expand_stiffnesses(self.isothermal_stiffness_tensor) @material_property def full_isentropic_compliance_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- full_isothermak_stiffness_tensor : 4D numpy array The isentropic compliance tensor [1/Pa] in standard form (:math:`\\mathbb{S}_{\\text{N} ijkl}`). """ return (self.full_isothermal_compliance_tensor - np.einsum('ij, kl->ijkl', self.thermal_expansivity_tensor, self.thermal_expansivity_tensor) * self.V * self.temperature / self.C_p) @material_property def isentropic_compliance_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- isentropic_compliance_tensor : 2D numpy array The isentropic compliance tensor [1/Pa] in Voigt form (:math:`\\mathbb{S}_{\\text{N} pq}`). """ S_full = self.full_isentropic_compliance_tensor return self._contract_compliances(S_full) @material_property def isentropic_stiffness_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- isentropic_stiffness_tensor : 2D numpy array The isentropic stiffness tensor [Pa] in Voigt form (:math:`\\mathbb{C}_{\\text{N} pq}`). """ return np.linalg.inv(self.isentropic_compliance_tensor) @material_property def full_isentropic_stiffness_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- full_isentropic_stiffness_tensor : 4D numpy array The isentropic stiffness tensor [Pa] in standard form (:math:`\\mathbb{C}_{\\text{N} ijkl}`). """ C_Voigt = self.isentropic_stiffness_tensor return self._voigt_notation_to_stiffness_tensor(C_Voigt) @material_property def grueneisen_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- grueneisen_tensor : 2D numpy array The grueneisen tensor. This is defined by :cite:`BarronMunn1967` as :math:`\\mathbb{C}_{\\text{N} ijkl} \\alpha_{kl} V/C_{P}`. """ return (np.einsum('ijkl, kl->ij', self.full_isentropic_stiffness_tensor, self.thermal_expansivity_tensor) * self.molar_volume / self.molar_heat_capacity_p) @material_property def grueneisen_parameter(self): """ Anisotropic minerals do not (in general) have a single grueneisen parameter. This function returns a NotImplementedError. Users should instead consider directly querying the elements in the grueneisen_tensor. """ raise NotImplementedError("Anisotropic minerals do not have a single " "grueneisen parameter. Query " "the grueneisen_tensor instead.") @material_property def isothermal_compressibility_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- isothermal_compressibility_tensor : 2D numpy array The isothermal compressibility tensor. """ return np.einsum('ijkl, kl->ij', self.full_isothermal_compliance_tensor, np.eye(3)) @material_property def isentropic_compressibility_tensor(self): """ Returns ------- isentropic_compressibility_tensor : 2D numpy array The isentropic compressibility tensor. """ return np.einsum('ijkl, kl->ij', self.full_isentropic_compliance_tensor, np.eye(3))