Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit
# for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from sympy import Matrix
from scipy.linalg import block_diag

import logging
import importlib
from ..classes.polytope import MaterialPolytope, independent_row_indices
from ..classes.solution import Solution
from ..classes.composite import Composite
from .solution import transform_solution_to_new_basis

    cp = importlib.import_module("cvxpy")
except ImportError as err:
        f"Warning: {err}. " "For full functionality of BurnMan, please install cvxpy."

[docs]def solution_polytope_from_charge_balance( charges, charge_total, return_fractions=False ): """ Creates a polytope object from a list of the charges for each species on each site and the total charge for all site-species. :param charges: 2D list containing the total charge for species j on site i, including the site multiplicity. So, for example, a solution with the site formula [Mg,Fe]3[Mg,Al,Si]2Si3O12 would have the following list: [[6., 6.], [4., 6., 8.]]. :type charges: 2D list of floats :param charge_total: The total charge for all site-species per formula unit. The example given above would have charge_total = 12. :type charge_total: float :param return_fractions: Determines whether the created polytope object returns its attributes (such as endmember occupancies) as fractions or as floats. Default is False. :type return_fractions: bool :returns: A polytope object corresponding to the parameters provided. :rtype: :class:`burnman.polytope.MaterialPolytope` object """ n_sites = len(charges) all_charges = np.concatenate(charges) n_site_elements = len(all_charges) equalities = np.empty((n_sites + 1, n_site_elements + 1)) equalities[:-1, 0] = -1 i = 0 for i_site, site_charges in enumerate(charges): equalities[i_site, 1:] = [ 1 if (j >= i and j < i + len(site_charges)) else 0 for j in range(n_site_elements) ] i += len(site_charges) equalities[-1, 0] = -charge_total equalities[-1, 1:] = all_charges pos_constraints = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((len(equalities[0]) - 1, 1)), np.identity(len(equalities[0]) - 1)), axis=1, ) return MaterialPolytope( equalities, pos_constraints, return_fractions=return_fractions )
[docs]def solution_polytope_from_endmember_occupancies( endmember_occupancies, return_fractions=False ): """ Creates a polytope object from a list of independent endmember occupancies. :param endmember_occupancies: 2D list containing the site-species occupancies j for endmember i. So, for example, a solution with independent endmembers [Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12, [Mg]3[Mg0.5Si0.5]2Si3O12, [Fe]3[Al]2Si3O12 might have the following array: [[1., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.5, 0.5], [0., 1., 1., 0., 0.]], where the order of site-species is Mg_A, Fe_A, Al_B, Mg_B, Si_B. :type endmember_occupancies: 2D numpy array :param return_fractions: Determines whether the created polytope object returns its attributes (such as endmember occupancies) as fractions or as floats. :type return_fractions: bool :returns: A polytope object corresponding to the parameters provided. :rtype: :class:`burnman.polytope.MaterialPolytope` object """ n_sites = sum(endmember_occupancies[0]) n_occs = endmember_occupancies.shape[1] nullspace = np.array(Matrix(endmember_occupancies).nullspace(), dtype=float) equalities = np.zeros((len(nullspace) + 1, n_occs + 1)) equalities[0, 0] = -n_sites equalities[0, 1:] = 1 if len(nullspace) > 0: try: equalities[1:, 1:] = nullspace except ValueError: equalities[1:, 1:] = nullspace[:, :, 0] pos_constraints = np.concatenate( (np.zeros((len(equalities[0]) - 1, 1)), np.identity(len(equalities[0]) - 1)), axis=1, ) return MaterialPolytope( equalities, pos_constraints, return_fractions=return_fractions, independent_endmember_occupancies=endmember_occupancies, )
[docs]def composite_polytope_at_constrained_composition( composite, composition, return_fractions=False ): """ Creates a polytope object from a Composite object and a composition. This polytope describes the complete set of valid composite endmember amounts that satisfy the compositional constraints. :param composite: A composite containing one or more Solution and Mineral objects. :type composite: :class:`burnman.Composite` object :param composition: A dictionary containing the amounts of each element. :type composition: dict :param return_fractions: Determines whether the created polytope object returns its attributes (such as endmember occupancies) as fractions or as floats. :type return_fractions: bool :returns: A polytope object corresponding to the parameters provided. :rtype: :class:`burnman.polytope.MaterialPolytope` object """ c_array = np.empty((composite.n_elements, 1)) c_array[:, 0] = [ -composition[e] if e in composition else 0.0 for e in composite.elements ] equalities = np.concatenate((c_array, composite.stoichiometric_array.T), axis=1) eoccs = [] for i, ph in enumerate(composite.phases): if isinstance(ph, Solution): eoccs.append(ph.solution_model.endmember_occupancies.T) else: eoccs.append(np.ones((1, 1))) eoccs = block_diag(*eoccs) inequalities = np.concatenate((np.zeros((len(eoccs), 1)), eoccs), axis=1) return MaterialPolytope( equalities, inequalities, number_type="float", return_fractions=return_fractions )
[docs]def simplify_composite_with_composition(composite, composition): """ Takes a composite and a composition, and returns the simplest composite object that spans the solution space at the given composition. For example, if the composition is given as {'Mg': 2., 'Si': 1.5, 'O': 5.}, and the composite is given as a mix of Mg,Fe olivine and pyroxene solutions, this function will return a composite that only contains the Mg-bearing endmembers. :param composite: The initial Composite object. :type composite: :class:`burnman.Composite` object :param composition: A dictionary containing the amounts of each element. :type composition: dict :returns: The simplified Composite object :rtype: :class:`burnman.Composite` object """ polytope = composite_polytope_at_constrained_composition( composite, composition, return_fractions=True ) composite_changed = False new_phases = [] mbr_amounts = polytope.endmember_occupancies i = 0 for i_ph, n_mbrs in enumerate(composite.endmembers_per_phase): ph = composite.phases[i_ph] amounts = mbr_amounts[:, i : i + n_mbrs].astype(float) i += n_mbrs rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(amounts, tol=1.0e-8) if rank < n_mbrs: if isinstance(ph, Solution) and rank > 0: if len(amounts) > 1: c_mean = np.mean(amounts, axis=0) else: c_mean = amounts[0] poly = solution_polytope_from_endmember_occupancies( ph.solution_model.endmember_occupancies ) dmbrs = poly.endmembers_as_independent_endmember_amounts x = cp.Variable(dmbrs.shape[0]) objective = cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(x)) constraints = [dmbrs.T @ x == c_mean, x >= 0] prob = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) prob.solve() mbr_indices = np.argsort(x.value)[::-1] ind_indices = [i for i in mbr_indices if x.value[i] > 1.0e-6] new_basis = dmbrs[ind_indices] # And now reduce the new basis if necessary new_basis = new_basis[independent_row_indices(new_basis)] if len(new_basis) < ph.n_endmembers: f"Phase {i_ph} ({}) is " "rank-deficient ({rank} < {n_mbrs}). " "The transformed solution is described " f"using {len(new_basis)} endmembers." ) composite_changed = True soln = transform_solution_to_new_basis(ph, new_basis) new_phases.append(soln) else: "This solution is rank-deficient " f"({rank} < {n_mbrs}), " "but its composition requires all " "independent endmembers." ) else: composite_changed = True f"Phase {i_ph} ({}) removed from " "composite (rank = 0)." ) else: new_phases.append(ph) if composite_changed: return Composite(new_phases) else: return composite