Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pkgutil

from ..classes.planet import Planet
from ..classes.layer import Layer

[docs]def write_tvel_file(planet_or_layer, modelname="burnmanmodel", background_model=None): """ Function to write input file for obspy travel time calculations. Note: Because density isn't defined for most 1D seismic models, densities are output as zeroes. The tvel format has a column for density, but this column is not used by obspy for travel time calculations. :param planet_or_layer: Planet or layer to write out to tvel file :type planet_or_layer: :class:`burnman.Planet` or :class:`burnman.Layer`. :param filename: Filename to read to. :type filename: str :param background_model: 1D seismic model to fill in parts of planet (likely to be an earth model) that aren't defined by layer (only need when using :class:`burnman.Layer`) :type background_model: :class:`burnman.seismic.Seismic1DModel` """ if not isinstance(planet_or_layer, (Planet, Layer)): raise TypeError("Input must be a Planet() or Layer() object.") if isinstance(planet_or_layer, Layer): assert background_model layer = planet_or_layer depths = background_model.internal_depth_list() above_layer = np.where(depths < (np.max(depths) - layer.outer_radius))[-1] below_layer = np.where(depths > (np.max(depths) - layer.inner_radius))[0] data_above = list( zip( depths[above_layer] / 1.0e3, background_model.v_p(depths[above_layer]) / 1.0e3, background_model.v_s(depths[above_layer]) / 1.0e3, np.zeros_like(depths[above_layer]), ) ) data_layer = list( zip( (np.max(depths) - layer.radii)[::-1] / 1.0e3, layer.v_p[::-1] / 1.0e3, layer.v_s[::-1] / 1.0e3, layer.density[::-1] / 1.0e3, ) ) data_below = list( zip( depths[below_layer] / 1.0e3, background_model.v_p(depths[below_layer]) / 1.0e3, background_model.v_s(depths[below_layer]) / 1.0e3, np.zeros_like(depths[below_layer]), ) ) data = data_above + data_layer + data_below header = ( f"{} model from BurnMan between a radius of " f"{str(layer.inner_radius)} and " f"{str(layer.outer_radius)} km \n" f"{background_model.__class__.__name__} " f"for the rest of the Earth" ) with open(modelname + ".tvel", "wb") as f: np.savetxt(f, data, header=header, fmt="%5.2f", delimiter="\t") if isinstance(planet_or_layer, Planet): planet = planet_or_layer data = list( zip( (planet.radius_planet - planet.radii)[::-1] / 1.0e3, planet.v_p[::-1] / 1.0e3, planet.v_s[::-1] / 1.0e3, planet.density[::-1] / 1.0e3, ) ) header = ( f"{} model from BurnMan with a radius of " f"{str(planet.radius_planet)} km \n" f"Layers of planet are " f'{", ".join( for layer in planet.layers)}' ) with open(modelname + ".tvel", "wb") as f: np.savetxt(f, data, header=header, fmt="%5.2f", delimiter="\t")
[docs]def write_axisem_input( layers, modelname="burnmanmodel_foraxisem", axisem_ref="axisem_prem_ani_noocean.txt", plotting=False, ): """ Writing velocities and densities to AXISEM ( input file. The input can be a single layer, or a list of layers taken from a planet (planet.layers). Currently this function will implement explicit discontinuities between layers in the seismic model. Currently this function is only set for Earth. :param layers: List of layers to put in AXISEM file. :type layers: list of one or more :class:`burnman.Layer` :param modelname: Name of model, appears in name of output file. :type modelname: str :param axisem_ref: Reference file, used to copy the header and for the rest of the planet, in the case of a :class:`burnman.Layer`. :type axisem_ref: str :param plotting: Choose whether to show plot of the old model and replaced model. :type plotting: bool """ if not isinstance(layers[0], Layer): raise TypeError("Input must be a list of Layer()") # Load reference input datastream = pkgutil.get_data("burnman", "data/input_seismic/" + axisem_ref) lines = [ line.strip() for line in datastream.decode("ascii").split("\n") if line.strip() ] table = [] for line in lines[18:]: numbers = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ") if len(numbers) > 0: if line[0] != "#" and line[0] != "%": table.append(numbers) table = np.array(table) # format is # radius density vpv vsv Qk Qmu vph vsh eta if plotting: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.plot(table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 2] / 1.0e3, color="g", linestyle="--") plt.plot(table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 3] / 1.0e3, color="b", linestyle="--") plt.plot(table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 1] / 1.0e3, color="r", linestyle="--") for layer in layers: # Cutting out range to input in Axisem reference file, and adding in # model values at the top and bottom of Layer. i_min = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(table[:, 0]) if x[1] <= layer.outer_radius) if table[i_min, 0] - layer.outer_radius < 0: table = np.insert(table, i_min, None, axis=0) table[i_min, 0] = layer.outer_radius i_max = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(table[:, 0]) if x[1] <= layer.inner_radius) if table[i_max, 0] - layer.inner_radius < 0: table = np.insert(table, i_max, None, axis=0) table[i_max, 0] = layer.inner_radius lvp, lvs, lrho = layer.evaluate( ["v_p", "v_s", "density"], radlist=table[i_min:i_max, 0], radius_planet=np.max(table[:, 0]), ) table[i_min:i_max, 2] = lvp table[i_min:i_max, 6] = lvp table[i_min:i_max, 3] = lvs table[i_min:i_max, 7] = lvs table[i_min:i_max, 1] = lrho # WRITE OUT FILE filename = "axisem_" + modelname + ".txt" f = open(filename, "w") print("Writing " + filename + " ...") f.write( f"# Input file {modelname} for AXISEM created using BurnMan, " f"replacing {axisem_ref} between " f"{str(np.round(layer.inner_radius / 1.e3))} and " f"{str(np.round(layer.outer_radius / 1.e3))} km\n" ) discontinuity = 0 # Number discontinuities f.write("NAME " + modelname + "\n") for line in lines[2:18]: f.write(line[:] + "\n") for i in range(len(table[:, 0])): if i > 0 and table[i, 0] == table[i - 1, 0]: discontinuity = discontinuity + 1 f.write( f"# Discontinuity {str(discontinuity)}, " f"depth: {str(np.round((6371.e3 - table[i, 0]) / 1.e3, decimals=2))}" " km \n" ) f.write( f"{table[i, 0]:8.0f} {table[i, 1]:9.2f} {table[i, 2]:9.2f} " f"{table[i, 3]:9.2f} {table[i, 4]:9.1f} {table[i, 5]:9.1f} " f"{table[i, 6]:9.2f} {table[i, 7]:9.2f} {table[i, 8]:9.5f} \n" ) f.close() if plotting: plt.plot( table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 2] / 1.0e3, color="g", linestyle="-", label="V_p", ) plt.plot( table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 3] / 1.0e3, color="b", linestyle="-", label="V_s", ) plt.plot( table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 1] / 1.0e3, color="r", linestyle="-", label="density", ) plt.title( f"{filename} = {axisem_ref} replaced between " f"{str(layer.inner_radius / 1.e3)} and " f"{str(layer.outer_radius / 1.e3)} km" ) plt.legend(loc="lower right")
[docs]def write_mineos_input( layers, modelname="burnmanmodel_formineos", mineos_ref="mineos_prem_noocean.txt", plotting=False, ): """ Writing velocities and densities to Mineos ( input file Note: currently, this function only honors the discontinuities already in the synthetic input file, so it is best to only replace certain layers with burnman values :param layers: List of layers to put in Mineos file. :type layers: list of one or more :class:`burnman.Layer` :param modelname: Name of model, appears in name of output file. :type modelname: str :param mineos_ref: Reference file, used to copy the header and for the rest of the planet, in the case of a :class:`burnman.Layer`. :type mineos_ref: str :param plotting: Choose whether to show plot of the old model and replaced model. :type plotting: bool """ if not isinstance(layers[0], Layer): raise TypeError("Input must be a list of Layer()") # Load reference input datastream = pkgutil.get_data("burnman", "data/input_seismic/" + mineos_ref) lines = [ line.strip() for line in datastream.decode("ascii").split("\n") if line.strip() ] table = [] for line in lines[3:]: numbers = np.fromstring(line, sep=" ") table.append(numbers) table = np.array(table) if plotting: plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.plot(table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 2] / 1.0e3, color="g", linestyle="--") plt.plot(table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 3] / 1.0e3, color="b", linestyle="--") plt.plot(table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 1] / 1.0e3, color="r", linestyle="--") for layer in layers: i_min = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(table[:, 0]) if x[1] >= layer.inner_radius) if table[i_min, 0] - layer.inner_radius > 0: table[i_min, 0] = layer.inner_radius i_max = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(table[:, 0]) if x[1] >= layer.outer_radius) if table[i_max, 0] - layer.outer_radius > 0: table[i_max, 0] = layer.outer_radius lvp, lvs, lrho = layer.evaluate( ["v_p", "v_s", "density"], radlist=table[i_min:i_max, 0], radius_planet=np.max(table[:, 0]), ) table[i_min:i_max, 2] = lvp table[i_min:i_max, 6] = lvp table[i_min:i_max, 3] = lvs table[i_min:i_max, 7] = lvs table[i_min:i_max, 1] = lrho # WRITE OUT FILE filename = "mineos_" + modelname + ".txt" f = open(filename, "w") print("Writing " + filename + " ...") f.write(lines[0][:-2] + " + " + filename + "\n") for line in lines[1:3]: f.write(line[:-2] + "\n") for i in range(len(table[:, 0])): f.write( "%8.0f %9.2f %9.2f %9.2f %9.1f %9.1f %9.2f %9.2f %9.5f \n" % ( table[i, 0], table[i, 1], table[i, 2], table[i, 3], table[i, 4], table[i, 5], table[i, 6], table[i, 7], table[i, 8], ) ) f.close() if plotting: plt.plot( table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 2] / 1.0e3, color="g", linestyle="-", label="V_p", ) plt.plot( table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 3] / 1.0e3, color="b", linestyle="-", label="V_s", ) plt.plot( table[:, 0] / 1.0e3, table[:, 1] / 1.0e3, color="r", linestyle="-", label="density", ) plt.title( f"{filename} = {mineos_ref} replaced between " f"{str(layer.inner_radius / 1.e3)} and " f"{str(layer.outer_radius / 1.e3)} km" ) plt.legend(loc="lower right")