Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.linalg import logm

[docs]def check_eos_consistency( m, P=1.0e9, T=300.0, tol=1.0e-4, verbose=False, including_shear_properties=True ): """ Checks that numerical derivatives of the Gibbs energy of a mineral under given conditions are equal to those provided analytically by the equation of state. :param m: The mineral for which the equation of state is to be checked for consistency. :type m: :class:`burnman.Mineral` :param P: The pressure at which to check consistency. :type P: float :param T: The temperature at which to check consistency. :type T: float :param tol: The fractional tolerance for each of the checks. :type tol: float :param verbose: Decide whether to print information about each check. :type verbose: bool :param including_shear_properties: Decide whether to check shear information, which is pointless for liquids and equations of state without shear modulus parameterizations. :type including_shear_properties: bool :returns: Boolean stating whether all checks have passed. :rtype: bool """ dT = 1.0 dP = 1000.0 m.set_state(P, T) G0 = m.gibbs S0 = m.S V0 = m.V expr = ["G = F + PV", "G = H - TS", "G = E - TS + PV"] eq = [ [m.gibbs, (m.helmholtz + P * m.V)], [m.gibbs, (m.H - T * m.S)], [m.gibbs, (m.molar_internal_energy - T * m.S + P * m.V)], ] m.set_state(P, T + dT) G1 = m.gibbs S1 = m.S V1 = m.V m.set_state(P + dP, T) G2 = m.gibbs V2 = m.V # T derivatives m.set_state(P, T + 0.5 * dT) expr.extend(["S = -dG/dT", "alpha = 1/V dV/dT", "C_p = T dS/dT"]) eq.extend( [ [m.S, -(G1 - G0) / dT], [m.alpha, (V1 - V0) / dT / m.V], [m.molar_heat_capacity_p, (T + 0.5 * dT) * (S1 - S0) / dT], ] ) # P derivatives m.set_state(P + 0.5 * dP, T) expr.extend(["V = dG/dP", "K_T = -V dP/dV"]) eq.extend([[m.V, (G2 - G0) / dP], [m.K_T, -0.5 * (V2 + V0) * dP / (V2 - V0)]]) expr.extend( ["C_v = Cp - alpha^2*K_T*V*T", "K_S = K_T*Cp/Cv", "gr = alpha*K_T*V/Cv"] ) eq.extend( [ [ m.molar_heat_capacity_v, m.molar_heat_capacity_p - m.alpha * m.alpha * m.K_T * m.V * T, ], [m.K_S, m.K_T * m.molar_heat_capacity_p / m.molar_heat_capacity_v], [, m.alpha * m.K_T * m.V / m.molar_heat_capacity_v], ] ) expr.append("Vphi = np.sqrt(K_S/rho)") eq.append([m.bulk_sound_velocity, np.sqrt(m.K_S / m.rho)]) if including_shear_properties: expr.extend(["Vp = np.sqrt((K_S + 4G/3)/rho)", "Vs = np.sqrt(G_S/rho)"]) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: warnings.simplefilter("always") eq.extend( [ [m.p_wave_velocity, np.sqrt((m.K_S + 4.0 * m.G / 3.0) / m.rho)], [m.shear_wave_velocity, np.sqrt(m.G / m.rho)], ] ) if len(w) == 1: print(w[0].message) print( "\nYou can suppress this message by setting the " "parameter\nincluding_shear_properties to False " "when calling check_eos_consistency.\n" ) note = "" else: note = " (not including shear properties)" consistencies = [ np.abs(e[0] - e[1]) < np.abs(tol * e[1]) + np.finfo("float").eps for e in eq ] eos_is_consistent = np.all(consistencies) if verbose: print("Checking EoS consistency for {0:s}{1}".format(m.to_string(), note)) print("Expressions within tolerance of {0:2f}".format(tol)) for i, c in enumerate(consistencies): print("{0:10s} : {1:5s}".format(expr[i], str(c))) if eos_is_consistent: print( "All EoS consistency constraints satisfied for {0:s}".format( m.to_string() ) ) else: print( "Not satisfied all EoS consistency constraints for {0:s}".format( m.to_string() ) ) return eos_is_consistent
[docs]def check_anisotropic_eos_consistency(m, P=1.0e9, T=2000.0, tol=1.0e-4, verbose=False): """ Checks that numerical derivatives of the Gibbs energy of an anisotropic mineral under given conditions are equal to those provided analytically by the equation of state. :param m: The anisotropic mineral for which the equation of state is to be checked for consistency. :type m: :class:`burnman.AnisotropicMineral` :param P: The pressure at which to check consistency. :type P: float :param T: The temperature at which to check consistency. :type T: float :param tol: The fractional tolerance for each of the checks. :type tol: float :param verbose: Decide whether to print information about each check. :type verbose: bool :returns: Boolean stating whether all checks have passed. :rtype: bool """ dT = 1.0 dP = 1000.0 m.set_state(P, T) G0 = m.gibbs S0 = m.S V0 = m.V expr = ["G = F + PV", "G = H - TS", "G = E - TS + PV"] eq = [ [m.gibbs, (m.helmholtz + P * m.V)], [m.gibbs, (m.H - T * m.S)], [m.gibbs, (m.molar_internal_energy - T * m.S + P * m.V)], ] m.set_state(P, T + dT) G1 = m.gibbs S1 = m.S V1 = m.V m.set_state(P + dP, T) G2 = m.gibbs V2 = m.V # T derivatives m.set_state(P, T + 0.5 * dT) expr.extend(["S = -dG/dT", "alpha = 1/V dV/dT", "C_p = T dS/dT"]) eq.extend( [ [m.S, -(G1 - G0) / dT], [m.alpha, (V1 - V0) / dT / m.V], [m.molar_heat_capacity_p, (T + 0.5 * dT) * (S1 - S0) / dT], ] ) # P derivatives m.set_state(P + 0.5 * dP, T) expr.extend(["V = dG/dP", "K_T = -V dP/dV"]) eq.extend( [ [m.V, (G2 - G0) / dP], [m.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss, -0.5 * (V2 + V0) * dP / (V2 - V0)], ] ) expr.extend(["C_v = Cp - alpha^2*K_T*V*T", "K_S = K_T*Cp/Cv"]) eq.extend( [ [ m.molar_heat_capacity_v, m.molar_heat_capacity_p - m.alpha * m.alpha * m.K_T * m.V * T, ], [ m.isentropic_bulk_modulus_reuss, m.isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss * m.molar_heat_capacity_p / m.molar_heat_capacity_v, ], ] ) # Third derivative m.set_state(P + 0.5 * dP, T) b0 = m.isothermal_compressibility_tensor F0 = m.deformation_gradient_tensor m.set_state(P + 0.5 * dP, T + dT) b1 = m.isothermal_compressibility_tensor F1 = m.deformation_gradient_tensor m.set_state(P, T + 0.5 * dT) a0 = m.thermal_expansivity_tensor F2 = m.deformation_gradient_tensor m.set_state(P + dP, T + 0.5 * dT) a1 = m.thermal_expansivity_tensor F3 = m.deformation_gradient_tensor m.set_state(P + 0.5 * dP, T + 0.5 * dT) beta0 = -(logm(F3) - logm(F2)) / dP alpha0 = (logm(F1) - logm(F0)) / dT Q = m.deformed_coordinate_frame beta1 = m.isothermal_compressibility_tensor alpha1 = m.thermal_expansivity_tensor beta1 = np.einsum("mi, nj, ij->mn", Q, Q, beta1) alpha1 = np.einsum("mi, nj, ij->mn", Q, Q, alpha1) expr.extend([f"SI = -d(lnm(F))/dP ({i}{j})" for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3)]) eq.extend([[beta0[i, j], beta1[i, j]] for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3)]) expr.extend( [f"alpha = d(lnm(F))/dT ({i}{j})" for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3)] ) eq.extend([[alpha0[i, j], alpha1[i, j]] for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3)]) expr.extend( [f"d(alpha)/dP = -d(beta_T)/dT ({i}{j})" for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3)] ) eq.extend( [ [(a1[i, j] - a0[i, j]) / dP, -(b1[i, j] - b0[i, j]) / dT] for i in range(3) for j in range(i, 3) ] ) # Consistent Phi expr.extend(["dPsidf_Voigt[:3,:3] == 1"]) eq.extend( [ [ np.sum(m.isothermal_compliance_tensor[:3, :3]), m.isothermal_compressibility_reuss, ] ] ) # Consistent inverses expr.extend([f"S_T = inv(C_T) ({i}{j})" for i in range(6) for j in range(i, 6)]) S_T = m.isothermal_compliance_tensor S_T2 = np.linalg.inv(m.isothermal_stiffness_tensor) eq.extend([[S_T[i, j], S_T2[i, j]] for i in range(6) for j in range(i, 6)]) expr.extend([f"S_N = inv(C_N) ({i}{j})" for i in range(6) for j in range(i, 6)]) S_N = m.isentropic_compliance_tensor S_N2 = np.linalg.inv(m.isentropic_stiffness_tensor) eq.extend([[S_N[i, j], S_N2[i, j]] for i in range(6) for j in range(i, 6)]) # Consistent isotropic and anisotropic properties expr.extend( [ "V = det(M)", "alpha_v = tr(alpha)", "beta_T = sum(S_T I)", "beta_S = sum(S_S I)", ] ) eq.extend( [ [m.V, np.linalg.det(m.cell_vectors)], [m.alpha, np.trace(m.thermal_expansivity_tensor)], [m.beta_T, np.sum(m.isothermal_compliance_tensor[:3, :3])], [m.beta_S, np.sum(m.isentropic_compliance_tensor[:3, :3])], ] ) expr.append("Vphi = np.sqrt(K_S/rho)") eq.append([m.bulk_sound_velocity, np.sqrt(m.K_S / m.rho)]) consistencies = [ np.abs(e[0] - e[1]) < np.abs(tol * e[1]) + np.finfo("float").eps for e in eq ] eos_is_consistent = np.all(consistencies) if verbose: print("Checking EoS consistency for {0:s}".format(m.to_string())) print("Expressions within tolerance of {0:2f}".format(tol)) for i, c in enumerate(consistencies): print("{0:10s} : {1:5s}".format(expr[i], str(c))) if eos_is_consistent: print( "All EoS consistency constraints satisfied for {0:s}".format( m.to_string() ) ) else: print( "Not satisfied all EoS consistency constraints for {0:s}".format( m.to_string() ) ) return eos_is_consistent