Source code for burnman.optimize.eos_fitting

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

from . import nonlinear_fitting
from ..utils.misc import flatten
from ..utils.math import unit_normalize
from .nonlinear_fitting import nonlinear_least_squares_fit

[docs]class MineralFit(object): """ Class for fitting mineral parameters to experimental data. Instances of this class are passed to :func:`burnman.nonlinear_least_squares_fit`. For attributes added to this model when fitting is done, please see the documentation for that function. """ def __init__( self, mineral, data, data_covariances, flags, fit_params, mle_tolerances, delta_params=None, bounds=None, ): self.m = mineral = data self.data_covariances = data_covariances self.flags = flags self.fit_params = fit_params self.mle_tolerances = mle_tolerances if delta_params is None: self.delta_params = self.get_params() * 1.0e-5 + 1.0e-10 else: self.delta_params = delta_params self.bounds = bounds
[docs] def set_params(self, param_values): i = 0 if self.bounds is not None: param_values = np.clip(param_values, self.bounds[:, 0], self.bounds[:, 1]) for param in self.fit_params: if isinstance(self.m.params[param], float): self.m.params[param] = param_values[i] i += 1 else: for j in range(len(self.m.params[param])): self.m.params[param][j] = param_values[i] i += 1
[docs] def get_params(self): params = [] for i, param in enumerate(self.fit_params): params.append(self.m.params[param]) return np.array(flatten([self.m.params[prm] for prm in self.fit_params]))
[docs] def function(self, x, flag): P, T, p = x self.m.set_state(P, T) return np.array([P, T, getattr(self.m, flag)])
[docs] def normal(self, x, flag): P, T, p = x if flag == "V": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = -self.m.K_T / self.m.V dpdT = self.m.alpha * self.m.V elif flag == "H": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = 1.0 / ((1.0 - T * self.m.alpha) * self.m.V) dpdT = self.m.molar_heat_capacity_p elif flag == "S": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = -1.0 / (self.m.alpha * self.m.V) dpdT = self.m.molar_heat_capacity_p / T elif flag == "gibbs": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = 1.0 / self.m.V dpdT = -self.m.S else: dP = 1.0e5 dT = 1.0 dPdp = (2.0 * dP) / ( self.function([P + dP, T, 0.0], flag)[2] - self.function([P - dP, T, 0.0], flag)[2] ) dpdT = ( self.function([P, T + dT, 0.0], flag)[2] - self.function([P, T - dT, 0.0], flag)[2] ) / (2.0 * dT) dPdT = -dPdp * dpdT n = np.array([-1.0, dPdT, dPdp]) return unit_normalize(n)
[docs]def fit_PTp_data( mineral, fit_params, flags, data, data_covariances=[], mle_tolerances=[], param_tolerance=1.0e-5, delta_params=None, bounds=None, max_lm_iterations=50, verbose=True, ): """ Given a mineral of any type, a list of fit parameters and a set of P-T-property points and (optional) uncertainties, this function returns a list of optimized parameters and their associated covariances, fitted using the scipy.optimize.curve_fit routine. :param mineral: Mineral for which the parameters should be optimized. :type mineral: :class:`burnman.Mineral` :param fit_params: List of dictionary keys contained in mineral.params corresponding to the variables to be optimized during fitting. Initial guesses are taken from the existing values for the parameters :type fit_params: list of str :param flags: Attribute names for the property to be fit for the whole dataset or each datum individually (e.g. 'V') :type flags: string or list of strings :param data: Observed X-P-T-property values :type data: 2D numpy.array :param data_covariances: X-P-T-property covariances (optional) If not given, all covariance matrices are chosen such that all data points have equal weight, with all error in the pressure. :type data_covariances: 3D numpy.array :param mle_tolerances: Tolerances for termination of the maximum likelihood iterations (optional). :type mle_tolerances: numpy.array :param param_tolerance: Fractional tolerance for termination of the nonlinear optimization (optional). :type param_tolerance: float :param delta_params: Initial values for the change in parameters (optional). :type delta_params: numpy.array :param bounds: Minimum and maximum bounds for the parameters (optional). The shape must be (n_parameters, 2). :type bounds: 2D numpy.array :param max_lm_iterations: Maximum number of Levenberg-Marquardt iterations. :type max_lm_iterations: int :param verbose: Whether to print detailed information about the optimization to screen. :type verbose: bool :returns: Model with optimized parameters. :rtype: :class:`burnman.optimize.eos_fitting.MineralFit` """ # If only one property flag is given, assume it applies to all data if type(flags) is str: flags = np.array([flags] * len(data[:, 0])) if len(flags) != len(data): raise Exception( f"The number of flags (n = {len(flags)}) must be equal " f"to the number of data (n = {len(data)})." ) # Apply mle tolerances if they dont exist if mle_tolerances == []: mineral.set_state(1.0e5, 300.0) mle_tolerance_factor = 1.0e-5 mle_tolerances = np.empty(len(flags)) for i, flag in enumerate(flags): if flag in ["gibbs", "enthalpy", "H", "helmholtz"]: mle_tolerances[i] = 1.0 # 1 J else: mle_tolerances[i] = mle_tolerance_factor * getattr(mineral, flag) # If covariance matrix is not given, apply unit weighting to all pressures # (with zero errors on T and p) covariances_defined = True if data_covariances == []: covariances_defined = False data_covariances = np.zeros((len(data[:, 0]), len(data[0]), len(data[0]))) for i in range(len(data_covariances)): data_covariances[i][0][0] = 1.0 model = MineralFit( mineral=mineral, data=data, data_covariances=data_covariances, flags=flags, fit_params=fit_params, delta_params=delta_params, mle_tolerances=mle_tolerances, bounds=bounds, ) nonlinear_least_squares_fit( model, max_lm_iterations=max_lm_iterations, param_tolerance=param_tolerance, verbose=verbose, ) if verbose is True and covariances_defined is True: confidence_interval = 0.9 d = nonlinear_fitting.extreme_values( model.weighted_residuals, confidence_interval ) confidence_bound, indices, probabilities = d if indices != []: print( "The function nonlinear_fitting.extreme_values" "(model.weighted_residuals, confidence_interval) " f"has determined that there are {len(indices):d} data points" " which have residuals which are not expected at the " f"{confidence_interval*100.:.1f}% confidence level " f"(> {confidence_bound:.1f} s.d. away from the model fit).\n" "Their indices and the probabilities of finding " "such extreme values are:" ) for i, idx in enumerate(indices): print( f"[{idx:d}]: {probabilities[i]:.4f} " f"({np.abs(model.weighted_residuals[idx]):.1f} s.d. " "from the model)" ) print( "You might consider removing them from your fit, " "or increasing the uncertainties in their " "measured values.\n" ) return model
[docs]def fit_PTV_data( mineral, fit_params, data, data_covariances=[], delta_params=None, bounds=None, param_tolerance=1.0e-5, max_lm_iterations=50, verbose=True, ): """ A simple alias for the fit_PTp_data for when all the data is volume data """ return fit_PTp_data( mineral=mineral, flags="V", data=data, data_covariances=data_covariances, fit_params=fit_params, param_tolerance=param_tolerance, delta_params=delta_params, bounds=bounds, max_lm_iterations=max_lm_iterations, verbose=verbose, )
[docs]class SolutionFit(object): """ Class for fitting mineral parameters to experimental data. Instances of this class are passed to :func:`burnman.nonlinear_least_squares_fit`. For attributes added to this model when fitting is done, please see the documentation for that function. """ def __init__( self, solution, data, data_covariances, flags, fit_params, mle_tolerances, delta_params=None, bounds=None, ): self.m = solution = data self.data_covariances = data_covariances self.flags = flags self.fit_params = fit_params self.fit_params_strings = [] for p in fit_params: if isinstance(p, list): csv_list_mbrs = ",".join([str(i) for i in p[1:]]) self.fit_params_strings.append(f"{p[0]} ({csv_list_mbrs})") else: self.fit_params_strings.append(p) self.mle_tolerances = mle_tolerances if delta_params is None: self.delta_params = self.get_params() * 1.0e-5 + 1.0e-10 else: self.delta_params = delta_params self.bounds = bounds
[docs] def set_params(self, param_values): # fit_params is a list of lists # if the list has length 2, the first item should be an integer # indicating the endmember number in the solution # if the list has length 3, the first two items should be endmember # numbers, and the third should be the interaction parameter type # (E, S or V). i = 0 if self.bounds is not None: param_values = np.clip(param_values, self.bounds[:, 0], self.bounds[:, 1]) for param in self.fit_params: value = param_values[i] if len(param) == 2: key, imbr = param if isinstance(self.m.endmembers[imbr][0].params[key], float): self.m.endmembers[imbr][0].params[key] = value i += 1 else: n_values = len(self.m.endmembers[imbr][0].params[key]) for j in range(n_values): self.m.endmembers[imbr][0].params[key][j] = value i += 1 elif len(param) == 3: key, imbr, jmbr = param ai = self.m.solution_model.alphas[imbr] aj = self.m.solution_model.alphas[jmbr] if key == "E": self.m.solution_model.We[imbr, jmbr] = 2.0 * value / (ai * aj) if key == "S": self.m.solution_model.Ws[imbr, jmbr] = 2.0 * value / (ai * aj) if key == "V": self.m.solution_model.Wv[imbr, jmbr] = 2.0 * value / (ai * aj) i += 1 else: raise Exception("param length must be two or three")
[docs] def get_params(self): params = [] for param in self.fit_params: if len(param) == 2: key, imbr = param value = self.m.endmembers[imbr][0].params[key] if isinstance(value, float): params.append(value) else: params.extend(list(value)) elif len(param) == 3: key, imbr, jmbr = param ai = self.m.solution_model.alphas[imbr] aj = self.m.solution_model.alphas[jmbr] if key == "E": params.append( self.m.solution_model.We[imbr, jmbr] * (ai * aj) / 2.0 ) if key == "S": params.append( self.m.solution_model.Ws[imbr, jmbr] * (ai * aj) / 2.0 ) if key == "V": params.append( self.m.solution_model.Wv[imbr, jmbr] * (ai * aj) / 2.0 ) else: raise Exception("param length must be two or three") return np.array(params)
[docs] def function(self, x, flag): self.m.set_composition(x[: self.m.n_endmembers]) P, T, p = x[self.m.n_endmembers :] self.m.set_state(P, T) f = np.copy(x) f[-1] = getattr(self.m, flag) return f
[docs] def normal(self, x, flag): self.m.set_composition(x[: self.m.n_endmembers]) P, T, p = x[self.m.n_endmembers :] if flag == "V": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = -self.m.K_T / self.m.V dpdT = self.m.alpha * self.m.V elif flag == "H": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = 1.0 / ((1.0 - T * self.m.alpha) * self.m.V) dpdT = self.m.molar_heat_capacity_p elif flag == "S": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = -1.0 / (self.m.alpha * self.m.V) dpdT = self.m.molar_heat_capacity_p / T elif flag == "gibbs": self.m.set_state(P, T) dPdp = 1.0 / self.m.V dpdT = -self.m.S else: dP = 1.0e5 dT = 1.0 xP0 = np.copy(x) xP1 = np.copy(x) xT0 = np.copy(x) xT1 = np.copy(x) xP0[-3] = xP1[-3] - dP xP1[-3] = xP1[-3] + dP xT0[-2] = xP1[-2] - dT xT1[-2] = xP1[-2] + dT dPdp = (2.0 * dP) / ( self.function(xP1, flag)[2] - self.function(xP0, flag)[2] ) dpdT = (self.function(xT1, flag)[2] - self.function(xT0, flag)[2]) / ( 2.0 * dT ) dPdT = -dPdp * dpdT n = np.zeros(len(x)) n[-3:] = np.array([-1.0, dPdT, dPdp]) return unit_normalize(n)
[docs]def fit_XPTp_data( solution, fit_params, flags, data, data_covariances=[], mle_tolerances=[], param_tolerance=1.0e-5, delta_params=None, bounds=None, max_lm_iterations=50, verbose=True, ): """ Given a symmetric solution, a list of fit parameters and a set of P-T-property points and (optional) uncertainties, this function returns a list of optimized parameters and their associated covariances, fitted using the scipy.optimize.curve_fit routine. :param solution: Solution for which the parameters should be optimized. :type solution: :class:`burnman.Solution` :param fit_params: Variables to be optimized during fitting. Each list is either of length two or three. The first item of length-2 lists should be a dictionary key contained in one of the endmember mineral.params, and the second item should be the index of the endmember in the solution (indexing starts from 0). The first item of length-3 lists should be one of 'E', 'S' or 'V' (the excess energies, entropies or volumes in each binary). The second two items should be the indices of the pair of endmembers bounding the binary, in ascending order (indexing starts from 0). Initial guesses are taken from the existing values for the parameters. :type fit_params: list of lists :param flags: Attribute names for the property to be fit for the whole dataset or each datum individually (e.g. 'V') :type flags: string or list of strings :param data: Observed X-P-T-property values :type data: 2D numpy.array :param data_covariances: X-P-T-property covariances (optional). If not given, all covariance matrices are chosen such that all data points have equal weight, with all error in the pressure. :type data_covariances: 3D numpy.array :param mle_tolerances: Tolerances for termination of the maximum likelihood iterations (optional). :type mle_tolerances: numpy.array :param param_tolerance: Fractional tolerance for termination of the nonlinear optimization (optional). :type param_tolerance: float :param delta_params: Initial values for the change in parameters (optional). :type delta_params: numpy.array :param bounds: Minimum and maximum bounds for the parameters (optional). The shape must be (n_parameters, 2). :type bounds: 2D numpy.array :param max_lm_iterations: Maximum number of Levenberg-Marquardt iterations. :type max_lm_iterations: int :param verbose: Whether to print detailed information about the optimization to screen. :type verbose: bool :returns: Model with optimized parameters. :rtype: :class:`burnman.optimize.eos_fitting.SolutionFit` """ # If only one property flag is given, assume it applies to all data if type(flags) is str: flags = np.array([flags] * len(data[:, 0])) if len(flags) != len(data): raise Exception( f"The number of flags (n = {len(flags)}) must be equal " f"to the number of data (n = {len(data)})." ) # Apply mle tolerances if they dont exist if mle_tolerances == []: solution.set_state(1.0e5, 300.0) mle_tolerance_factor = 1.0e-5 mle_tolerances = np.empty(len(flags)) for i, flag in enumerate(flags): if flag in ["gibbs", "enthalpy", "H", "helmholtz"]: mle_tolerances[i] = 1.0 # 1 J else: mle_tolerances[i] = mle_tolerance_factor * getattr(solution, flag) # If covariance matrix is not given, apply unit weighting to all pressures # (with zero errors on T and property) covariances_defined = True if data_covariances == []: covariances_defined = False nX = solution.n_endmembers data_covariances = np.zeros((len(data[:, 0]), len(data[0]), len(data[0]))) for i in range(len(data_covariances)): data_covariances[i][nX][nX] = 1.0 model = SolutionFit( solution=solution, data=data, data_covariances=data_covariances, flags=flags, fit_params=fit_params, mle_tolerances=mle_tolerances, delta_params=delta_params, bounds=bounds, ) nonlinear_least_squares_fit( model, max_lm_iterations=max_lm_iterations, param_tolerance=param_tolerance, verbose=verbose, ) if verbose is True and covariances_defined is True: confidence_interval = 0.9 v_extreme = nonlinear_fitting.extreme_values( model.weighted_residuals, confidence_interval ) confidence_bound, indices, probabilities = v_extreme if indices != []: print( "The function nonlinear_fitting.extreme_values" "(model.weighted_residuals, confidence_interval) " f"has determined that there are {len(indices):d} " "data points which have residuals which are not " f"expected at the {confidence_interval*100.:.1f}% " "confidence level " f"(> {confidence_bound:.1f} s.d. away from the model fit).\n" "Their indices and the probabilities of " "finding such extreme values are:" ) for i, idx in enumerate(indices): print( f"[{idx:d}]: {probabilities[i]:.4f} " f"({np.abs(model.weighted_residuals[idx]):.1f} s.d. " "from the model)" ) print( "You might consider removing them from your fit, " "or increasing the uncertainties in " "their measured values.\n" ) return model