Source code for burnman.classes.solution

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2022 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np
from sympy import Matrix, nsimplify
from collections import OrderedDict

from .material import material_property, cached_property
from .mineral import Mineral
from .solutionmodel import MechanicalSolution
from .solutionmodel import PolynomialSolution
from .averaging_schemes import reuss_average_function

from ..utils.reductions import independent_row_indices
from ..utils.chemistry import sum_formulae, sort_element_list_to_IUPAC_order

[docs]class Solution(Mineral): """ This is the base class for all solutions. Site occupancies, endmember activities and the constant and pressure and temperature dependencies of the excess properties can be queried after using set_composition(). States of the solution can only be queried after setting the pressure, temperature and composition using set_state(). This class is available as :class:`burnman.Solution`. It uses an instance of :class:`burnman.SolutionModel` to calculate interaction terms between endmembers. All the solution parameters are expected to be in SI units. This means that the interaction parameters should be in J/mol, with the T and P derivatives in J/K/mol and m^3/mol. The parameters are relevant to all solution models. Please see the documentation for individual models for details about other parameters. :param name: Name of the solution. :type name: string :param solution_model: The SolutionModel object defining the properties of the solution. :type solution_model: :class:`burnman.SolutionModel` :param molar_fractions: The molar fractions of each endmember in the solution. Can be reset using the set_composition() method. :type molar_fractions: numpy.array """ def __init__(self, name=None, solution_model=None, molar_fractions=None): """ Set up matrices to speed up calculations for when P, T, X is defined. """ Mineral.__init__(self) # Solution needs a method attribute to call Mineral.set_state(). # Note that set_method() below will not change self.method self.method = "SolutionMethod" if name is not None: = name if solution_model is not None: self.solution_model = solution_model # Equation of state for i in range(self.n_endmembers): self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].set_method( self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].params["equation_of_state"] ) # Molar fractions if molar_fractions is not None: self.set_composition(molar_fractions)
[docs] @cached_property def endmembers(self): return self.solution_model.endmembers
[docs] def set_composition(self, molar_fractions): """ Set the composition for this solution. Resets cached properties. :param molar_fractions: Molar abundance for each endmember, needs to sum to one. :type molar_fractions: list of float """ assert len(self.solution_model.endmembers) == len(molar_fractions) if type(self.solution_model) != MechanicalSolution: assert sum(molar_fractions) > 0.9999 assert sum(molar_fractions) < 1.0001 if type(self.solution_model) == PolynomialSolution: self.solution_model.set_composition(molar_fractions) self.reset() self.molar_fractions = np.array(molar_fractions)
[docs] def set_method(self, method): for i in range(self.n_endmembers): self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].set_method(method) # note: do not set self.method here! self.reset()
[docs] def set_state(self, pressure, temperature): if type(self.solution_model) == PolynomialSolution: self.solution_model.set_state(pressure, temperature) Mineral.set_state(self, pressure, temperature) for i in range(self.n_endmembers): self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].set_state(pressure, temperature)
@material_property def formula(self): """ Returns molar chemical formula of the solution. :rtype: Counter """ return sum_formulae(self.endmember_formulae, self.molar_fractions) @material_property def site_occupancies(self): """ :returns: The fractional occupancies of species on each site. :rtype: list of OrderedDicts """ occs = np.einsum( "ij, i", self.solution_model.endmember_occupancies, self.molar_fractions ) site_occs = [] k = 0 for i in range(self.solution_model.n_sites): site_occs.append(OrderedDict()) for j in range(len(self.solution_model.sites[i])): site_occs[-1][self.solution_model.sites[i][j]] = occs[k] k += 1 return site_occs
[docs] def site_formula(self, precision=2): """ Returns the molar chemical formula of the solution with site occupancies. For example, [Mg0.4Fe0.6]2SiO4. :param precision: Precision with which to print the site occupancies :type precision: int :returns: Molar chemical formula of the solution with site occupancies :rtype: str """ split_empty = self.solution_model.empty_formula.split("[") formula = split_empty[0] for i, site_occs in enumerate(self.site_occupancies): formula += "[" for species, occ in site_occs.items(): formula += f"{species}{occ:0.{precision}f}" formula += split_empty[i + 1] return formula
@material_property def activities(self): """ Returns a list of endmember activities [unitless]. """ return self.solution_model.activities( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def activity_coefficients(self): """ Returns a list of endmember activity coefficients (gamma = activity / ideal activity) [unitless]. """ return self.solution_model.activity_coefficients( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def molar_internal_energy(self): """ Returns molar internal energy of the mineral [J/mol]. Aliased with """ return self.molar_helmholtz + self.temperature * self.molar_entropy @material_property def excess_partial_gibbs(self): """ Returns excess partial molar gibbs free energy [J/mol]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_partial_gibbs_free_energies( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def excess_partial_volumes(self): """ Returns excess partial volumes [m^3]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_partial_volumes( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def excess_partial_entropies(self): """ Returns excess partial entropies [J/K]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_partial_entropies( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def partial_gibbs(self): """ Returns endmember partial molar gibbs free energy [J/mol]. Property specific to solutions. """ return ( np.array( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].gibbs for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_partial_gibbs ) @material_property def partial_volumes(self): """ Returns endmember partial volumes [m^3]. Property specific to solutions. """ return ( np.array( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].molar_volume for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_partial_volumes ) @material_property def partial_entropies(self): """ Returns endmember partial entropies [J/K]. Property specific to solutions. """ return ( np.array( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].molar_entropy for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_partial_entropies ) @material_property def excess_gibbs(self): """ Returns molar excess gibbs free energy [J/mol]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_gibbs_free_energy( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def gibbs_hessian(self): """ Returns an array containing the second compositional derivative of the Gibbs free energy [J]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.gibbs_hessian( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def entropy_hessian(self): """ Returns an array containing the second compositional derivative of the entropy [J/K]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.entropy_hessian( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def volume_hessian(self): """ Returns an array containing the second compositional derivative of the volume [m^3]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.volume_hessian( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def molar_gibbs(self): """ Returns molar Gibbs free energy of the solution [J/mol]. Aliased with self.gibbs. """ return ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].gibbs * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_gibbs ) @material_property def molar_helmholtz(self): """ Returns molar Helmholtz free energy of the solution [J/mol]. Aliased with self.helmholtz. """ return self.molar_gibbs - self.pressure * self.molar_volume @material_property def molar_mass(self): """ Returns molar mass of the solution [kg/mol]. """ return sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].molar_mass * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) @material_property def excess_volume(self): """ Returns excess molar volume of the solution [m^3/mol]. Specific property for solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_volume( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def molar_volume(self): """ Returns molar volume of the solution [m^3/mol]. Aliased with self.V. """ return ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].molar_volume * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_volume ) @material_property def density(self): """ Returns density of the solution [kg/m^3]. Aliased with self.rho. """ return self.molar_mass / self.molar_volume @material_property def excess_entropy(self): """ Returns excess molar entropy [J/K/mol]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_entropy( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def molar_entropy(self): """ Returns molar entropy of the solution [J/K/mol]. Aliased with self.S. """ return ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].S * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_entropy ) @material_property def excess_enthalpy(self): """ Returns excess molar enthalpy [J/mol]. Property specific to solutions. """ return self.solution_model.excess_enthalpy( self.pressure, self.temperature, self.molar_fractions ) @material_property def molar_enthalpy(self): """ Returns molar enthalpy of the solution [J/mol]. Aliased with self.H. """ return ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].H * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.excess_enthalpy ) @material_property def isothermal_bulk_modulus(self): """ Returns isothermal bulk modulus of the solution [Pa]. Aliased with self.K_T. """ return ( self.V * 1.0 / ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].V / (self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].K_T) * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.solution_model.VoverKT_excess() ) ) @material_property def adiabatic_bulk_modulus(self): """ Returns adiabatic bulk modulus of the solution [Pa]. Aliased with self.K_S. """ if self.temperature < 1e-10: return self.isothermal_bulk_modulus else: return ( self.isothermal_bulk_modulus * self.molar_heat_capacity_p / self.molar_heat_capacity_v ) @material_property def isothermal_compressibility(self): """ Returns isothermal compressibility of the solution. (or inverse isothermal bulk modulus) [1/Pa]. Aliased with self.K_T. """ return 1.0 / self.isothermal_bulk_modulus @material_property def adiabatic_compressibility(self): """ Returns adiabatic compressibility of the solution. (or inverse adiabatic bulk modulus) [1/Pa]. Aliased with self.K_S. """ return 1.0 / self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus @material_property def shear_modulus(self): """ Returns shear modulus of the solution [Pa]. Aliased with self.G. """ G_list = np.fromiter( (e[0].G for e in self.solution_model.endmembers), dtype=float, count=self.n_endmembers, ) return reuss_average_function(self.molar_fractions, G_list) @material_property def p_wave_velocity(self): """ Returns P wave speed of the solution [m/s]. Aliased with self.v_p. """ return np.sqrt( (self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus + 4.0 / 3.0 * self.shear_modulus) / self.density ) @material_property def bulk_sound_velocity(self): """ Returns bulk sound speed of the solution [m/s]. Aliased with self.v_phi. """ return np.sqrt(self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus / self.density) @material_property def shear_wave_velocity(self): """ Returns shear wave speed of the solution [m/s]. Aliased with self.v_s. """ return np.sqrt(self.shear_modulus / self.density) @material_property def grueneisen_parameter(self): """ Returns grueneisen parameter of the solution [unitless]. Aliased with """ if self.temperature < 1e-10: return float("nan") else: return ( self.thermal_expansivity * self.isothermal_bulk_modulus * self.molar_volume / self.molar_heat_capacity_v ) @material_property def thermal_expansivity(self): """ Returns thermal expansion coefficient (alpha) of the solution [1/K]. Aliased with self.alpha. """ return (1.0 / self.V) * ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].alpha * self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].V * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.solution_model.alphaV_excess() ) @material_property def molar_heat_capacity_v(self): """ Returns molar heat capacity at constant volume of the solution [J/K/mol]. Aliased with self.C_v. """ return ( self.molar_heat_capacity_p - self.molar_volume * self.temperature * self.thermal_expansivity * self.thermal_expansivity * self.isothermal_bulk_modulus ) @material_property def molar_heat_capacity_p(self): """ Returns molar heat capacity at constant pressure of the solution [J/K/mol]. Aliased with self.C_p. """ return ( sum( [ self.solution_model.endmembers[i][0].molar_heat_capacity_p * self.molar_fractions[i] for i in range(self.n_endmembers) ] ) + self.solution_model.Cp_excess() )
[docs] @cached_property def stoichiometric_matrix(self): """ A sympy Matrix where each element M[i,j] corresponds to the number of atoms of element[j] in endmember[i]. """ def f(i, j): e = self.elements[j] if e in self.endmember_formulae[i]: return nsimplify(self.endmember_formulae[i][e]) else: return 0 return Matrix(len(self.endmember_formulae), len(self.elements), f)
[docs] @cached_property def stoichiometric_array(self): """ An array where each element arr[i,j] corresponds to the number of atoms of element[j] in endmember[i]. """ return np.array(self.stoichiometric_matrix)
[docs] @cached_property def reaction_basis(self): """ An array where each element arr[i,j] corresponds to the number of moles of endmember[j] involved in reaction[i]. """ reaction_basis = np.array( [v[:] for v in self.stoichiometric_matrix.T.nullspace()] ) if len(reaction_basis) == 0: reaction_basis = np.empty((0, len(self.endmember_names))) return reaction_basis
[docs] @cached_property def n_reactions(self): """ The number of reactions in reaction_basis. """ return len(self.reaction_basis[:, 0])
[docs] @cached_property def independent_element_indices(self): """ A list of an independent set of element indices. If the amounts of these elements are known (element_amounts), the amounts of the other elements can be inferred by -compositional_null_basis[independent_element_indices].dot(element_amounts). """ return sorted(independent_row_indices(self.stoichiometric_matrix.T))
[docs] @cached_property def dependent_element_indices(self): """ The element indices not included in the independent list. """ return [ i for i in range(len(self.elements)) if i not in self.independent_element_indices ]
[docs] @cached_property def compositional_null_basis(self): """ An array N such that N.b = 0 for all bulk compositions that can be produced with a linear sum of the endmembers in the solution. """ null_basis = np.array([v[:] for v in self.stoichiometric_matrix.nullspace()]) M = null_basis[:, self.dependent_element_indices] assert (M.shape[0] == M.shape[1]) and (M == np.eye(M.shape[0])).all() return null_basis
[docs] @cached_property def endmember_formulae(self): """ A list of formulae for all the endmember in the solution. """ return [mbr[0].params["formula"] for mbr in self.solution_model.endmembers]
[docs] @cached_property def endmember_names(self): """ A list of names for all the endmember in the solution. """ return [mbr[0].name for mbr in self.solution_model.endmembers]
[docs] @cached_property def n_endmembers(self): """ The number of endmembers in the solution. """ return len(self.solution_model.endmembers)
[docs] @cached_property def elements(self): """ A list of the elements which could be contained in the solution, returned in the IUPAC element order. """ keys = [] for f in self.endmember_formulae: keys.extend(f.keys()) return sort_element_list_to_IUPAC_order(set(keys))
SolidSolution = Solution