Source code for burnman.classes.material

from __future__ import print_function

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit
# for the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2017 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from ..utils.math import bracket
from scipy.optimize import brentq

# TODO: When we require Python 3.8+, replace with
# functools.cached_property decorator
class cached_property(property):

    """A decorator that converts a function into a lazy property.  The
    function wrapped is called the first time to retrieve the result
    and then that calculated result is used the next time you access
    the value::

        class Foo(object):

            def foo(self):
                # calculate something important here
                return 42

    The class has to have a `__dict__` in order for this property to

    This decorator is adapted slightly from the one in the werkzeug module:

    def __init__(self, func, name=None, doc=None):
        self.__name__ = name or func.__name__
        self.__module__ = func.__module__
        self.__doc__ = doc or func.__doc__
        self.func = func

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value

    def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self
            value = obj.__dict__[self.__name__]
        except KeyError:
            value = self.func(obj)
            obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = value
        return value

def material_property(func):
    Decorator @material_property to be used for cached properties of materials.

    To be used on function in Material or derived classes that should be exposed
    as read-only properties that are cached. The function Material.reset() will
    reset the cached values.

    Internally, the values are stored in a dictionary member called _cached, which
    is emptied by .reset().

    class mat_obj:
        def __init__(self, func):
            self.func = func
            self.varname = self.func.__name__

        def get(self, obj):
            if not hasattr(obj, "_cached"):
                raise Exception(
                    "The material_property decorator could not find "
                    "class member _cached. "
                    "Did you forget to call Material.__init__(self) in __init___?"
            cache_array = getattr(obj, "_cached")
            if self.varname not in cache_array:
                cache_array[self.varname] = self.func(obj)
            return cache_array[self.varname]

    return property(mat_obj(func).get, doc=func.__doc__)

[docs]class Material(object): """ Base class for all materials. The main functionality is unroll() which returns a list of objects of type :class:`~burnman.Mineral` and their molar fractions. This class is available as ``burnman.Material``. The user needs to call set_method() (once in the beginning) and set_state() before querying the material with unroll() or density(). """ def __init__(self): self._pressure = None self._temperature = None if not hasattr(self, "name"): # if a derived class decides to set .name before calling this # constructor (I am looking at you,!), do not # overwrite the name here. self._name = self.__class__.__name__ self._cached = {} @property def name(self): """Human-readable name of this material. By default this will return the name of the class, but it can be set to an arbitrary string. Overriden in Mineral. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): self._name = value
[docs] def set_method(self, method): """ Set the averaging method. See :doc:`averaging` for details. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement set_method() in derived class!")
[docs] def to_string(self): """ Returns a human-readable name of this material. The default implementation will return the name of the class, which is a reasonable default. :returns: A human-readable name of the material. :rtype: str """ return "'" + + "'"
[docs] def debug_print(self, indent=""): """ Print a human-readable representation of this Material. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Derived classes need to implement debug_print(). This is '" + self.__class__.__name__ + "'" )
[docs] def print_minerals_of_current_state(self): """ Print a human-readable representation of this Material at the current P, T as a list of minerals. This requires set_state() has been called before. """ (minerals, fractions) = self.unroll() if len(minerals) == 1: print(minerals[0].to_string()) else: print("Material %s:" % self.to_string()) for mineral, fraction in zip(minerals, fractions): print(" %g of phase %s" % (fraction, mineral.to_string()))
[docs] def set_state(self, pressure, temperature): """ Set the material to the given pressure and temperature. :param pressure: The desired pressure in [Pa]. :type pressure: float :param temperature: The desired temperature in [K]. :type temperature: float """ if not hasattr(self, "_pressure"): raise Exception( "Material.set_state() could not find class member _pressure. " "Did you forget to call Material.__init__(self) in __init___?" ) self.reset() self._pressure = pressure self._temperature = temperature
[docs] def set_state_with_volume( self, volume, temperature, pressure_guesses=[0.0e9, 10.0e9] ): """ This function acts similarly to set_state, but takes volume and temperature as input to find the pressure. In order to ensure self-consistency, this function does not use any pressure functions from the material classes, but instead finds the pressure using the brentq root-finding method. :param volume: The desired molar volume of the mineral [m^3]. :type volume: float :param temperature: The desired temperature of the mineral [K]. :type temperature: float :param pressure_guesses: A list of floats denoting the initial low and high guesses for bracketing of the pressure [Pa]. These guesses should preferably bound the correct pressure, but do not need to do so. More importantly, they should not lie outside the valid region of the equation of state. Defaults to [5.e9, 10.e9]. :type pressure_guesses: list """ def _delta_volume(pressure, volume, temperature): # Try to set the state with this pressure, # but if the pressure is too low most equations of state # fail. In this case, treat the molar_volume as infinite # and brentq will try a larger pressure. try: self.set_state(pressure, temperature) return volume - self.molar_volume except Exception: return -np.inf # we need to have a sign change in [a,b] to find a zero. args = (volume, temperature) try: sol = bracket(_delta_volume, pressure_guesses[0], pressure_guesses[1], args) except ValueError: raise Exception( "Cannot find a pressure, perhaps the volume or starting pressures " "are outside the range of validity for the equation of state?" ) pressure = brentq(_delta_volume, sol[0], sol[1], args=args) self.set_state(pressure, temperature)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets all cached material properties. It is typically not required for the user to call this function. """ self._cached = {}
[docs] def copy(self): return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def unroll(self): """ Unroll this material into a list of :class:`burnman.Mineral` and their molar fractions. All averaging schemes then operate on this list of minerals. Note that the return value of this function may depend on the current state (temperature, pressure). .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. :returns: A list of molar fractions which should sum to 1.0, and a list of :class:`burnman.Mineral` objects containing the minerals in the material. :rtype: tuple """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement unroll() in derived class!")
[docs] def evaluate(self, vars_list, pressures, temperatures): """ Returns an array of material properties requested through a list of strings at given pressure and temperature conditions. At the end it resets the set_state to the original values. The user needs to call set_method() before. :param vars_list: Variables to be returned for given conditions :type vars_list: list of strings :param pressures: ndlist or ndarray of float of pressures in [Pa]. :type pressures: :class:`numpy.array`, n-dimensional :param temperatures: ndlist or ndarray of float of temperatures in [K]. :type temperatures: :class:`numpy.array`, n-dimensional :returns: Array returning all variables at given pressure/temperature values. output[i][j] is property vars_list[j] for temperatures[i] and pressures[i]. :rtype: :class:`numpy.array`, n-dimensional """ old_pressure = self.pressure old_temperature = self.temperature pressures = np.array(pressures) temperatures = np.array(temperatures) assert pressures.shape == temperatures.shape output = np.empty((len(vars_list),) + pressures.shape) for i, p in np.ndenumerate(pressures): self.set_state(p, temperatures[i]) for j in range(len(vars_list)): output[(j,) + i] = getattr(self, vars_list[j]) if old_pressure is None or old_temperature is None: # do not set_state if old values were None. Just reset to None # manually self._pressure = self._temperature = None self.reset() else: self.set_state(old_pressure, old_temperature) return output
@property def pressure(self): """ Returns current pressure that was set with :func:`~burnman.Material.set_state`. .. note:: Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.P`. :returns: Pressure in [Pa]. :rtype: float """ return self._pressure @property def temperature(self): """ Returns current temperature that was set with :func:`~burnman.Material.set_state`. .. note:: Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.T`. :returns: Temperature in [K]. :rtype: float """ return self._temperature @material_property def molar_internal_energy(self): """ Returns the molar internal energy of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:``. :returns: The internal energy in [J/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement molar_internal_energy() in derived class!" ) @material_property def molar_gibbs(self): """ Returns the molar Gibbs free energy of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.gibbs`. :returns: Gibbs free energy in [J/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement molar_gibbs() in derived class!") @material_property def molar_helmholtz(self): """ Returns the molar Helmholtz free energy of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.helmholtz`. :returns: Helmholtz free energy in [J/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement molar_helmholtz() in derived class!" ) @material_property def molar_mass(self): """ Returns molar mass of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. :returns: Molar mass in [kg/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement molar_mass() in derived class!") @material_property def molar_volume(self): """ Returns molar volume of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.V`. :returns: Molar volume in [m^3/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement molar_volume() in derived class!") @material_property def density(self): """ Returns the density of this material. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.rho`. :returns: The density of this material in [kg/m^3]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement density() in derived class!") @material_property def molar_entropy(self): """ Returns molar entropy of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.S`. :returns: Entropy in [J/K/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement molar_entropy() in derived class!") @material_property def molar_enthalpy(self): """ Returns molar enthalpy of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.H`. :returns: Enthalpy in [J/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement molar_enthalpy() in derived class!" ) @material_property def isothermal_bulk_modulus(self): """ Returns isothermal bulk modulus of the material. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.K_T`. :returns: Isothermal bulk modulus in [Pa]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement isothermal_bulk_moduls() in derived class!" ) @material_property def adiabatic_bulk_modulus(self): """ Returns the adiabatic bulk modulus of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.K_S`. :returns: Adiabatic bulk modulus in [Pa]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement adiabatic_bulk_modulus() in derived class!" ) @material_property def isothermal_compressibility(self): """ Returns isothermal compressibility of the mineral (or inverse isothermal bulk modulus). .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.beta_T`. :returns: Isothermal compressibility in [1/Pa]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement compressibility() in derived class!" ) @material_property def adiabatic_compressibility(self): """ Returns adiabatic compressibility of the mineral (or inverse adiabatic bulk modulus). .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.beta_S`. :returns: Adiabatic compressibility in [1/Pa]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement compressibility() in derived class!" ) @material_property def shear_modulus(self): """ Returns shear modulus of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.beta_G`. :returns: Shear modulus in [Pa]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError("need to implement shear_modulus() in derived class!") @material_property def p_wave_velocity(self): """ Returns P wave speed of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.v_p`. :returns: P wave speed in [m/s]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement p_wave_velocity() in derived class!" ) @material_property def bulk_sound_velocity(self): """ Returns bulk sound speed of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.v_phi`. :returns: Bulk sound velocity in [m/s]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement bulk_sound_velocity() in derived class!" ) @material_property def shear_wave_velocity(self): """ Returns shear wave speed of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.v_s`. :returns: Shear wave speed in [m/s]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement shear_wave_velocity() in derived class!" ) @material_property def grueneisen_parameter(self): """ Returns the grueneisen parameter of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:``. :returns: Grueneisen parameter [unitless]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement grueneisen_parameter() in derived class!" ) @material_property def thermal_expansivity(self): """ Returns thermal expansion coefficient of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.alpha`. :returns: Thermal expansivity in [1/K]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement thermal_expansivity() in derived class!" ) @material_property def molar_heat_capacity_v(self): """ Returns molar heat capacity at constant volume of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.C_v`. :returns: Isochoric heat capacity in [J/K/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement molar_heat_capacity_v() in derived class!" ) @material_property def molar_heat_capacity_p(self): """ Returns molar heat capacity at constant pressure of the mineral. .. note:: Needs to be implemented in derived classes. Aliased with :func:`~burnman.Material.C_p`. :returns: Isobaric heat capacity in [J/K/mol]. :rtype: float """ raise NotImplementedError( "need to implement molar_heat_capacity_p() in derived class!" ) # # Aliased properties @property def P(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.pressure`""" return self.pressure @property def T(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.temperature`""" return self.temperature @property def energy(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_internal_energy`""" return self.molar_internal_energy @property def helmholtz(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_helmholtz`""" return self.molar_helmholtz @property def gibbs(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_gibbs`""" return self.molar_gibbs @property def V(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_volume`""" return self.molar_volume @property def rho(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.density`""" return self.density @property def S(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_entropy`""" return self.molar_entropy @property def H(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_enthalpy`""" return self.molar_enthalpy @property def K_T(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.isothermal_bulk_modulus`""" return self.isothermal_bulk_modulus @property def K_S(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.adiabatic_bulk_modulus`""" return self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus @property def beta_T(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.isothermal_compressibility`""" return self.isothermal_compressibility @property def beta_S(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.adiabatic_compressibility`""" return self.adiabatic_compressibility @property def isothermal_bulk_modulus_reuss(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.isothermal_bulk_modulus`""" return self.isothermal_bulk_modulus @property def adiabatic_bulk_modulus_reuss(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.adiabatic_bulk_modulus`""" return self.adiabatic_bulk_modulus @property def isothermal_compressibility_reuss(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.isothermal_compressibility`""" return self.isothermal_compressibility @property def adiabatic_compressibility_reuss(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.adiabatic_compressibility`""" return self.adiabatic_compressibility @property def G(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.shear_modulus`""" return self.shear_modulus @property def v_p(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.p_wave_velocity`""" return self.p_wave_velocity @property def v_phi(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.bulk_sound_velocity`""" return self.bulk_sound_velocity @property def v_s(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.shear_wave_velocity`""" return self.shear_wave_velocity @property def gr(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.grueneisen_parameter`""" return self.grueneisen_parameter @property def alpha(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.thermal_expansivity`""" return self.thermal_expansivity @property def C_v(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_heat_capacity_v`""" return self.molar_heat_capacity_v @property def C_p(self): """Alias for :func:`~burnman.Material.molar_heat_capacity_p`""" return self.molar_heat_capacity_p