Source code for burnman.classes.calibrant

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2022 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from ..utils.math import bracket

[docs]class Calibrant(object): """ The base class for a pressure calibrant material. :param calibrant_function: A function that takes either pressure, temperature and a params object as arguments, returning the volume, or takes volume, temperature and a params object, returning the pressure. :type calibrant_function: function :param calibrant_function_return_type: The return type of the calibrant function. Valid values are 'pressure' or 'volume'. :type calibrant_function_return_type: str :param params: A dictionary containing the parameters required by the calibrant function. :type params: dictionary """ def __init__(self, calibrant_function, calibrant_function_return_type, params): if calibrant_function_return_type == "pressure": self.pressure_function = calibrant_function self.volume_function = self._volume_using_pressure_function elif calibrant_function_return_type == "volume": self.volume_function = calibrant_function self.pressure_function = self._pressure_using_volume_function else: raise Exception( "calibrant function return type must either " "be pressure or volume" ) self.calibrant_function = calibrant_function self.params = params def _volume_using_pressure_function(self, pressure, temperature, params): """ Helper function to compute volume iteratively by Brent's method using a function of the form pressure(volume, temperature). """ def func(x): return self.pressure_function(x, temperature, params) - pressure try: sol = bracket(func, params["V_0"], 1.0e-2 * params["V_0"]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Cannot find a volume, perhaps you are outside " "of the range of validity for the equation " "of state?" ) return opt.brentq(func, sol[0], sol[1]) def _pressure_using_volume_function(self, volume, temperature, params): """ Helper function to compute pressure iteratively by Brent's method using a function of the form volume(pressure, temperature). """ def func(x): (self.volume_function(x, temperature, params) - volume) try: sol = bracket(func, 0.0, 300.0e9) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Cannot find a pressure, perhaps you are outside " "of the range of validity for the equation " "of state?" ) return opt.brentq(func, sol[0], sol[1])
[docs] def pressure(self, volume, temperature, VT_covariance=None): """ Returns the pressure of the calibrant as a function of volume, temperature and (optionally) a volume-temperature variance-covariance matrix. :param volume: The volume of the calibrant [m^3/mol]. :type volume: float :param temperature: The temperature of the calibrant [K]. :type temperature: float :param VT_covariance: The volume-temperature variance-covariance matrix [optional]. :type VT_covariance: 2x2 numpy.array :returns: The pressure of the calibrant [Pa] and the pressure-volume-temperature variance-covariance matrix if PT_covariance is provided. :rtype: float, tuple of a float and a numpy.array (3x3) """ if VT_covariance is None: return self.pressure_function(volume, temperature, self.params) else: # Here we take the centered differences # We could alternatively use thermodynamic properties # but these have not yet been implemented. dV = volume / 1.0e7 dT = 0.01 PdV0 = self.pressure_function(volume - dV / 2.0, temperature, self.params) PdV1 = self.pressure_function(volume + dV / 2.0, temperature, self.params) PdT0 = self.pressure_function(volume, temperature - dT / 2.0, self.params) PdT1 = self.pressure_function(volume, temperature + dT / 2.0, self.params) pressure = (PdV0 + PdV1 + PdT0 + PdT1) / 4.0 gradPVT = np.zeros((2, 3)) gradPVT[:, 1:] = np.eye(2) gradPVT[:, 0] = [(PdV1 - PdV0) / dV, (PdT1 - PdT0) / dT] PVT_covariance = return pressure, PVT_covariance
[docs] def volume(self, pressure, temperature, PT_covariance=None): """ Returns the volume of the calibrant as a function of pressure, temperature and (optionally) a pressure-temperature variance-covariance matrix. :param pressure: The pressure of the calibrant [Pa]. :type pressure: float :param temperature: The temperature of the calibrant [K]. :type temperature: float :param PT_covariance: The pressure-temperature variance-covariance matrix [optional]. :type PT_covariance: 2x2 numpy.array :returns: The volume of the calibrant [m^3/mol] and the volume-pressure-temperature variance-covariance matrix if VT_covariance is provided. :rtype: float, tuple of a float and a numpy.array (3x3) """ if PT_covariance is None: return self.volume_function(pressure, temperature, self.params) else: # Here we take the centered differences # We could alternatively use thermodynamic properties # but these have not yet been implemented. dP = 100.0 dT = 0.01 VdP0 = self.volume_function(pressure - dP / 2.0, temperature, self.params) VdP1 = self.volume_function(pressure + dP / 2.0, temperature, self.params) VdT0 = self.volume_function(pressure, temperature - dT / 2.0, self.params) VdT1 = self.volume_function(pressure, temperature + dT / 2.0, self.params) volume = (VdP0 + VdP1 + VdT0 + VdT1) / 4.0 gradVPT = np.zeros((2, 3)) gradVPT[:, 1:] = np.eye(2) gradVPT[:, 0] = [(VdP1 - VdP0) / dP, (VdT1 - VdT0) / dT] VPT_covariance = return volume, VPT_covariance