
Burnman has a number of functions and classes which deal with the thermodynamics of single phases and aggregates.

Lattice Vibrations

Debye model


Evaluate the Debye function. Takes the parameter xi = Debye_T/T


Evaluate the Debye function using a Chebyshev series expansion coupled with asymptotic solutions of the function. Shamelessly adapted from the GSL implementation of the same function (Itself adapted from Collected Algorithms from ACM). Should give the same result as debye_fn(x) to near machine-precision.

burnman.eos.debye.thermal_energy(T, debye_T, n)[source]

calculate the thermal energy of a substance. Takes the temperature, the Debye temperature, and n, the number of atoms per molecule. Returns thermal energy in J/mol

burnman.eos.debye.molar_heat_capacity_v(T, debye_T, n)[source]

Heat capacity at constant volume. In J/K/mol

burnman.eos.debye.helmholtz_free_energy(T, debye_T, n)[source]

Helmholtz free energy of lattice vibrations in the Debye model. It is important to note that this does NOT include the zero point energy of vibration for the lattice. As long as you are calculating relative differences in F, this should cancel anyways. In Joules.

burnman.eos.debye.entropy(T, debye_T, n)[source]

Entropy due to lattice vibrations in the Debye model [J/K]

Einstein model

burnman.eos.einstein.thermal_energy(T, einstein_T, n)[source]

calculate the thermal energy of a substance. Takes the temperature, the Einstein temperature, and n, the number of atoms per molecule. Returns thermal energy in J/mol

burnman.eos.einstein.molar_heat_capacity_v(T, einstein_T, n)[source]

Heat capacity at constant volume. In J/K/mol

Chemistry parsing and thermodynamics


A simple function to read a file with a two column list of elements and their masses into a dictionary

burnman.utils.chemistry.atomic_masses = {'Ag': 0.107868, 'Al': 0.0269815, 'Ar': 0.039948, 'As': 0.0749216, 'Au': 0.196967, 'B': 0.010811, 'Ba': 0.137327, 'Be': 0.00901218, 'Bi': 0.20898, 'Br': 0.079904, 'C': 0.0120107, 'Ca': 0.040078, 'Cd': 0.112411, 'Ce': 0.140116, 'Cl': 0.035453, 'Co': 0.0589332, 'Cr': 0.0519961, 'Cs': 0.132905, 'Cu': 0.063546, 'Dy': 0.1625, 'Er': 0.167259, 'Eu': 0.151964, 'F': 0.0189984, 'Fe': 0.055845, 'Ga': 0.069723, 'Gd': 0.15725, 'Ge': 0.07264, 'H': 0.00100794, 'He': 0.0040026, 'Hf': 0.17849, 'Hg': 0.20059, 'Ho': 0.16493, 'I': 0.126904, 'In': 0.114818, 'Ir': 0.192217, 'K': 0.0390983, 'Kr': 0.083798, 'La': 0.138905, 'Li': 0.006941, 'Lu': 0.174967, 'Mg': 0.024305, 'Mn': 0.054938, 'Mo': 0.09596, 'N': 0.0140067, 'Na': 0.0229898, 'Nb': 0.0929064, 'Nd': 0.144242, 'Ne': 0.0201797, 'Ni': 0.0586934, 'O': 0.0159994, 'Os': 0.19023, 'P': 0.0309738, 'Pa': 0.231036, 'Pb': 0.2072, 'Pd': 0.10642, 'Pr': 0.140908, 'Pt': 0.195084, 'Rb': 0.0854678, 'Re': 0.186207, 'Rh': 0.102905, 'Ru': 0.10107, 'S': 0.032065, 'Sb': 0.12176, 'Sc': 0.0449559, 'Se': 0.07896, 'Si': 0.0280855, 'Sm': 0.15036, 'Sn': 0.11871, 'Sr': 0.08762, 'Ta': 0.180948, 'Tb': 0.158925, 'Te': 0.1276, 'Th': 0.232038, 'Ti': 0.047867, 'Tl': 0.204383, 'Tm': 0.168934, 'U': 0.238029, 'V': 0.0509415, 'Vc': 0.0, 'W': 0.18384, 'Xe': 0.131293, 'Y': 0.0889058, 'Yb': 0.173054, 'Zn': 0.06538, 'Zr': 0.091224}

IUPAC_element_order provides a list of all the elements. Element order is based loosely on electronegativity, following the scheme suggested by IUPAC, except that H comes after the Group 16 elements, not before them.


A function to read a chemical formula string and convert it into a dictionary

formulastring object

Chemical formula, written in the XnYm format, where the formula has n atoms of element X and m atoms of element Y

fdictionary object

The same chemical formula, but expressed as a dictionary.

burnman.utils.chemistry.sum_formulae(formulae, amounts=None)[source]

Adds together a set of formulae.

formulaelist of dictionary or counter objects

List of chemical formulae

amountslist of floats

List of amounts of each formula

summed_formulaCounter object

The sum of the user-provided formulae


A function to take a chemical formula and compute the formula mass.

formuladictionary or counter object

A chemical formula


The mass per mole of formula

burnman.utils.chemistry.convert_formula(formula, to_type='mass', normalize=False)[source]

Converts a chemical formula from one type (mass or molar) into the other. Renormalises amounts if normalize=True

formuladictionary or counter object

A chemical formula

to_typestring, one of ‘mass’ or ‘molar’

Conversion type


Whether or not to normalize the converted formula to 1


The converted formula


This function parses a class instance with a “formulas” attribute containing site information, e.g.

[ ‘[Mg]3[Al]2Si3O12’, ‘[Mg]3[Mg1/2Si1/2]2Si3O12’ ]

It outputs the bulk composition of each endmember (removing the site information), and also a set of variables and arrays which contain the site information. These are output in a format that can easily be used to calculate activities and gibbs free energies, given molar fractions of the phases and pressure and temperature where necessary.

solution_modelinstance of class

Class must have a “formulas” attribute, containing a list of chemical formulae with site information


Nothing is returned from this function, but the solution_model object gains the following attributes.

solution_formulaelist of dictionaries

List of endmember formulae is output from site formula strings


Number of sites in the solution. Should be the same for all endmembers.

siteslist of lists of strings

A list of species for each site in the solution

site_nameslist of strings

A list of species_site pairs in the solution, where each distinct site is given by a unique uppercase letter e.g. [‘Mg_A’, ‘Fe_A’, ‘Al_A’, ‘Al_B’, ‘Si_B’]


Sum of the number of possible species on each of the sites in the solution. Example: A binary solution [[A][B],[B][C1/2D1/2]] would have n_occupancies = 5, with two possible species on Site 1 and three on Site 2

site_multiplicities2D array of floats

A 1D array for each endmember in the solution, containing the multiplicities of each site per formula unit. To simplify computations later, the multiplicities are repeated for each species on each site, so the shape of this attribute is (n_endmembers, n_site_species).

endmember_occupancies2d array of floats

A 1D array for each endmember in the solution, containing the fraction of atoms of each species on each site.

endmember_noccupancies2d array of floats

A 1D array for each endmember in the solution, containing the number of atoms of each species on each site per mole of endmember.

burnman.utils.chemistry.site_occupancies_to_strings(site_species_names, site_multiplicities, endmember_occupancies)[source]

Converts a list of endmember site occupancies into a list of string representations of those occupancies.

site_species_names2D list of strings

A list of list of strings, giving the names of the species which reside on each site. List of sites, each of which contains a list of the species occupying each site.

site_multiplicities1D or 2D numpy array of floats

List of floats giving the multiplicity of each site. If 2D, must have the same shape as endmember_occupancies. If 1D, must be either the same length as the number of sites, or the same length as site_species_names (with an implied repetition of the same number for each species on a given site).

endmember_occupancies2D numpy array of floats

A list of site-species occupancies for each endmember. The first dimension loops over the endmembers, and the second dimension loops over the site-species occupancies for that endmember. The total number and order of occupancies must be the same as the strings in site_species_names.

site_formulaelist of strings

A list of strings in standard burnman format. For example, [Mg]3[Al]2 would correspond to the classic two-site pyrope garnet.

formulaelist of dictionaries

List of chemical formulae

formula_array2D array of floats

Array of endmember formulae

elementsList of strings

List of elements

burnman.utils.chemistry.ordered_compositional_array(formulae, elements)[source]
formulaelist of dictionaries

List of chemical formulae

elementsList of strings

List of elements

formula_array2D array of floats

Array of endmember formulae

formuladictionary or counter

Chemical formula


A formula string, with element order as given in the list IUPAC_element_order. If one or more keys in the dictionary are not one of the elements in the periodic table, then they are added at the end of the string.


List of elements


List of elements sorted into IUPAC order

burnman.utils.chemistry.convert_fractions(composite, phase_fractions, input_type, output_type)[source]

Takes a composite with a set of user defined molar, volume or mass fractions (which do not have to be the fractions currently associated with the composite) and converts the fractions to molar, mass or volume.

Conversions to and from mass require a molar mass to be defined for all phases. Conversions to and from volume require set_state to have been called for the composite.


Composite for which fractions are to be defined.

phase_fractionslist of floats

List of input phase fractions (of type input_type)


Input fraction type: ‘molar’, ‘mass’ or ‘volume’


Output fraction type: ‘molar’, ‘mass’ or ‘volume’

output_fractionslist of floats

List of output phase fractions (of type output_type), assemblage)[source]
standard_material: burnman.Material object

set_method and set_state should already have been used material must have a formula as a dictionary parameter

assemblage: burnman.Composite object

set_method and set_state should already have been used


Value of the fugacity of the component with respect to the standard material, assemblage, reference_assemblage)[source]
component_formula: dictionary

Chemical formula for which to compute the relative fugacity.

assemblage: burnman.Composite object

set_method and set_state should already have been used.

reference_assemblage: burnman.Composite object

set_method and set_state should already have been used.


Value of the fugacity of the component in the assemblage with respect to the reference_assemblage., stoichiometry, temperature, pressure_initial_guess=100000.0)[source]

Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries and a temperature of interest, compute the equilibrium pressure of the reaction.

mineralslist of minerals

List of minerals involved in the reaction.

stoichiometrylist of floats

Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided. Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol]


Temperature of interest [K]

pressure_initial_guessoptional float

Initial pressure guess [Pa]


The equilibrium pressure of the reaction [Pa], stoichiometry, pressure, temperature_initial_guess=1000.0)[source]

Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries and a pressure of interest, compute the equilibrium temperature of the reaction.

mineralslist of minerals

List of minerals involved in the reaction.

stoichiometrylist of floats

Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided. Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol]


Pressure of interest [Pa]

temperature_initial_guessoptional float

Initial temperature guess [K]


The equilibrium temperature of the reaction [K], stoichiometry_r1, minerals_r2, stoichiometry_r2, pressure_temperature_initial_guess=[1000000000.0, 1000.0])[source]

Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries and a pressure of interest, compute the equilibrium temperature of the reaction.

mineralslist of minerals

List of minerals involved in the reaction.

stoichiometrylist of floats

Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided. Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol]


Pressure of interest [Pa]

temperature_initial_guessoptional float

Initial temperature guess [K]


The equilibrium temperature of the reaction [K], P_ref, T_ref, pressures, reference_mineral=None)[source]

Calculates the temperatures (and volumes) along a Hugoniot as a function of pressure according to the Hugoniot equation U2-U1 = 0.5*(p2 - p1)(V1 - V2) where U and V are the internal energies and volumes (mass or molar) and U = F + TS


Mineral for which the Hugoniot is to be calculated.


Reference pressure [Pa]


Reference temperature [K]

pressuresnumpy array of floats

Set of pressures [Pa] for which the Hugoniot temperature and volume should be calculated


Mineral which is stable at the reference conditions Provides an alternative U_0 and V_0 when the reference mineral transforms to the mineral of interest at some (unspecified) pressure.

temperaturesnumpy array of floats

The Hugoniot temperatures at pressure

volumesnumpy array of floats

The Hugoniot volumes at pressure

Equilibrium Thermodynamics

burnman.equilibrate(composition, assemblage, equality_constraints, free_compositional_vectors=[], tol=0.001, store_iterates=False, store_assemblage=True, max_iterations=100.0, verbose=False)[source]

A function that equilibrates an assemblage subject to given bulk composition and equality constraints by solving the equilibrium relations (chemical affinities for feasible reactions in the system should be equal to zero).


The bulk composition that the assemblage must satisfy

assemblageburnman.Composite object

The assemblage to be equilibrated


A list of equality constraints. Each constraint should have the form: [<constraint type>, <constraint>], where <constraint type> is one of P, T, S, V, X, PT_ellipse, phase_fraction, or phase_composition. The <constraint> object should either be a float or an array of floats for P, T, S, V (representing the desired pressure, temperature, entropy or volume of the material). If the constraint type is X (a generic constraint on the solution vector) then the constraint c is represented by the following equality:[0], x) - c[1]. If the constraint type is PT_ellipse, the equality is given by norm(([P, T] - c[0])/c[1]) - 1. The constraint_type phase_fraction assumes a tuple of the phase object (which must be one of the phases in the burnman.Composite) and a float or vector corresponding to the phase fractions. Finally, a phase_composition constraint has the format (site_names, n, d, v), where n*x/d*x = v and n and d are fixed vectors of site coefficients. So, one could for example choose a constraint ([Mg_A, Fe_A], [1., 0.], [1., 1.], [0.5]) which would correspond to equal amounts Mg and Fe on the A site.

free_compositional_vectorslist of dictionaries

A list of dictionaries containing the compositional freedom of the solution. For example, if the list contains the vector {‘Mg’: 1., ‘Fe’: -1}, that implies that the bulk composition is equal to composition + a * (n_Mg - n_Fe), where a is a constant to be determined by the solve.


The tolerance for the nonlinear solver.


Whether to store the parameter values for each iteration in each solution object.


Whether to store a copy of the assemblage object in each solution object.


The maximum number of iterations for the nonlinear solver.


Whether to print output updating the user on the status of equilibration.

sol_arraysingle, list, or 2D list of solver solution objects
prmnamedtuple object

A tuple with attributes n_parameters (the number of parameters for the current equilibrium problem) and phase_amount_indices (the indices of the parameters that correspond to phase amounts).