Source code for

# This file is part of BurnMan - a thermoelastic and thermodynamic toolkit for
# the Earth and Planetary Sciences
# Copyright (C) 2012 - 2021 by the BurnMan team, released under the GNU
# GPL v2 or later.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R

[docs] def pretty_plot(): """ Makes pretty plots. Overwrites the matplotlib default settings to allow for better fonts. Slows down plotting """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rc("text", usetex=True) plt.rcParams["text.latex.preamble"] = "\\usepackage{relsize}" plt.rc("font", family="sanserif")
def _to_polar(vecs): """ Convenience function converting x, y, z vectors to normalised positions on a polar plot. :param vecs: Array of vectors to convert :type vecs: numpy array :return: Arrays of azimuths and distances from the origin :rtype: Two numpy arrays """ shape = vecs.shape vecs = vecs.reshape(shape[0] * shape[1], 3) Rs = np.linalg.norm(vecs, axis=-1) zeniths = np.arccos(-vecs[:, 2] / Rs) thetas = (np.arctan2(vecs[:, 1], vecs[:, 0])).reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) r = (np.sin(zeniths) / (1.0 - np.cos(zeniths))).reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) return thetas, r def _positions( n_zenith, n_azimuth, min_zenith, max_zenith, latitude_direction=False, azimuth_midpoints=False, ): """ Convenience function creating a set of equally spaced x, y, z vectors and theta and r values on a polar plot. :param n_zenith: Number of zeniths :type n_zenith: integer :param n_azimuth: Number of azimuths :type n_azimuth: integer :param min_zenith: _description_ :type min_zenith: float :param max_zenith: _description_ :type max_zenith: float :param latitude_direction: Whether to return both positions and vectors along local lines of latitude, defaults to False :type latitude_direction: bool, optional :param azimuth_midpoints: Whether to use azimuthal midpoints, rather than starting at 0 and ending at 2*pi. defaults to False :type azimuth_midpoints: bool, optional :return: Either a full basis or just the positional x, y, z vectors, azimuth values and r values for plotting on a polar plot. :rtype: Three or five numpy arrays """ # Upper hemisphere plot, zenith starts at pi/2, increases to pi. zeniths = np.linspace(min_zenith, max_zenith, n_zenith) if azimuth_midpoints: azimuths = np.linspace( (np.pi / (n_azimuth + 1)), 2.0 * np.pi - (np.pi / (n_azimuth + 1)), n_azimuth, ) else: azimuths = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, n_azimuth) Rs = np.sin(zeniths) / (1.0 - np.cos(zeniths)) r, theta = np.meshgrid(Rs, azimuths) cos_az = np.cos(azimuths) sin_phi = np.sin(zeniths) sin_az = np.sin(azimuths) cos_phi = np.cos(zeniths) cos_phi, cos_az = np.meshgrid(cos_phi, cos_az) sin_phi, sin_az = np.meshgrid(sin_phi, sin_az) d = np.moveaxis(np.array([cos_az * sin_phi, sin_az * sin_phi, -cos_phi]), 0, 2) if latitude_direction: d1 = np.moveaxis(np.array([cos_az * cos_phi, sin_az * cos_phi, sin_phi]), 0, 2) return d, d1, theta, r else: return d, theta, r def _rotated_vector_sets(rotation_axes, vector_initial, n_rots): """ Convenience function to calculate a set of vectors rotated between 0 and 180 degrees from their initial positions about an axis. :param rotation_axes: rotation axes :type rotation_axes: numpy array :param vector_1_initial: vectors to be rotated :type vector_1_initial: numpy array :param vector_2_initial: another set of vectors to be rotated :type vector_2_initial: numpy array :param n_rots: number of rotations between 0 and 180 degrees. :type n_rots: integer :return: A new set of vectors :rtype: Two numpy arrays """ # now rotate d1 and d2 about d in 1 degree increments n_azimuth = vector_initial.shape[0] n_zenith = vector_initial.shape[1] rotations = np.linspace(0.0, np.pi, n_rots) axial_directions = np.empty((n_azimuth, n_zenith, n_rots, 3)) lateral_directions = np.empty((n_azimuth, n_zenith, n_rots, 3)) for i in range(n_rots): axial_directions[:, :, i, :] = rotation_axes for i in range(n_azimuth): for j in range(n_zenith): rotvecs = np.einsum("i, l", rotations, rotation_axes[i, j]) rot = R.from_rotvec(rotvecs) lateral_directions[i, j] = rot.apply(vector_initial[i, j]) return axial_directions, lateral_directions def _make_lines(positions, vectors, scales): """ Convenience function to make line segments for polar plots. :param positions: Center position (x, y, z) :type positions: numpy array :param vectors: Vector away from the center position (also Cartesian) :type vectors: numpy array :param scales: Scaling fractions for the length of line. :type scales: numpy array :return: The requested line segments :rtype: numpy array """ vec_start = positions - np.einsum("ijk, ij->ijk", vectors, scales) vec_end = positions + np.einsum("ijk, ij->ijk", vectors, scales) n_lines = positions.shape[0] * positions.shape[1] vlines = np.array([_to_polar(vec_start), _to_polar(vec_end)]).reshape(2, 2, n_lines) vlines = np.moveaxis(vlines, (0, 2), (2, 0)) return vlines def _make_poisson_lines(mineral, n_rots, vector_fraction, plot_minimum=False): """ Convenience function to make line segments for the polar plot to indicate the orientations of the minimum or maximum Poisson ratio eigenvectors :param mineral: Anisotropic mineral to plot. :type mineral: AnisotropicMineral :param n_rots: Number of rotations to find the minimum :type n_rots: integer :param vector_fraction: Fractional length of plotted unit vector. :type vector_fraction: float :param plot_minimum: Whether to plot the minimum (or maximum), defaults to False :type plot_minimum: bool, optional :return: The requested line segments. :rtype: numpy array """ v = [] for i in range(3): n_zenith = 2 n_azimuth = 36 - 16 * i # 36 - 16*2 = 4 min_zenith = (7.0 + 2 * i) * np.pi / 13.0 max_zenith = (8.0 + 2 * i) * np.pi / 13.0 d0, d01, _, r = _positions( n_zenith, n_azimuth, min_zenith, max_zenith, True, True ) axial, lateral = _rotated_vector_sets(d0, d01, n_rots) poisson0 = mineral.isentropic_poissons_ratio(axial, lateral) if plot_minimum: inds0 = np.ix_(*[np.arange(i) for i in poisson0.shape[:-1]]) + ( np.argmin(poisson0, axis=-1), ) v.extend( list(_make_lines(d0, lateral[inds0], vector_fraction / np.sqrt(r))) ) else: inds0 = np.ix_(*[np.arange(i) for i in poisson0.shape[:-1]]) + ( np.argmax(poisson0, axis=-1), ) v.extend( list(_make_lines(d0, lateral[inds0], vector_fraction / np.sqrt(r))) ) return np.array(v) def _make_velocity_lines(mineral, vector_fraction): """ Convenience function to make line segments for the polar plot to indicate the orientations of the VS1 and VS2 eigenvectors :param mineral: Anisotropic mineral to plot. :type mineral: AnisotropicMineral :param vector_fraction: Fractional length of plotted unit vector. :type vector_fraction: float :return: The requested line segments. :rtype: Two 2D numpy arrays """ v_vs1 = [] v_vs2 = [] for i in range(3): n_zenith = 2 n_azimuth = 36 - 16 * i # 36 - 16*2 = 4 min_zenith = (7.0 + 2 * i) * np.pi / 13.0 max_zenith = (8.0 + 2 * i) * np.pi / 13.0 d0, _, r = _positions(n_zenith, n_azimuth, min_zenith, max_zenith, False, True) _, eigenvectors = mineral.wave_velocities(d0) v_vs1.extend( list(_make_lines(d0, eigenvectors[:, :, 1], vector_fraction / np.sqrt(r))) ) v_vs2.extend( list(_make_lines(d0, eigenvectors[:, :, 2], vector_fraction / np.sqrt(r))) ) return np.array(v_vs1), np.array(v_vs2)
[docs] def plot_projected_elastic_properties( mineral, plot_types, axes, n_zenith=31, n_azimuth=91, n_divs=100, n_rots=181, plot_vectors=True, ): """ :param mineral: Mineral object on which calculations should be done :type mineral: :class:`burnman.Mineral` :param plot_types: Plot types must be one of the following * 'vp' - V$_{P}$ (km/s) * 'vs1' - 'V$_{S1}$ (km/s) * 'vs2' - V$_{S2}$ (km/s) * 'vp/vs1' - V$_{P}$/V$_{S1}$ * 'vp/vs2' - V$_{P}$/V$_{S2}$ * 's anisotropy' - S-wave anisotropy (%), 200(vs1s - vs2s)/(vs1s + vs2s)) * 'linear compressibility' - Linear compressibility (GPa$^{-1}$) * 'youngs modulus' - Youngs Modulus (GPa) * 'minimum poisson ratio' - Minimum Poisson ratio * 'maximum poisson ratio' - Maximum Poisson ratio :type plot_types: list of str :param axes: axes objects to be modified. Must be initialised with projection='polar'. :type axes: matplotlib.pyplot.axes objects :param n_zenith: Number of zeniths (plot resolution). :type n_zenith: int :param n_azimuth: Number of azimuths (plot resolution). :type n_azimuth: int :param n_divs: Number of divisions for the color scale. :type n_divs: int :param n_rots: Number of along-vector rotations to find minimum and maximum Poisson ratios. :type n_rots: int :param plot_vectors: Whether or not to plot vectors for $V_S$ and Poisson axial directions :type plot_vectors: bool """ assert len(plot_types) == len(axes) # Upper hemisphere plot, zenith starts at pi/2, increases to pi. d, d1, theta, r = _positions(n_zenith, n_azimuth, np.pi / 2.0, np.pi, True) velocities, _ = mineral.wave_velocities(d) vps, vs1s, vs2s = np.moveaxis(velocities, -1, 0) v_vs1s, v_vs2s = _make_velocity_lines(mineral, 0.02) if "minimum poisson ratio" in plot_types or "maximum poisson ratio" in plot_types: axial_directions, lateral_directions = _rotated_vector_sets(d, d1, n_rots) poisson = mineral.isentropic_poissons_ratio( axial_directions, lateral_directions ) prps = [] for type in plot_types: if type == "vp": prps.append(("V$_{P}$ (km/s)", vps / 1000.0)) elif type == "vs1": prps.append(("V$_{S1}$ (km/s)", (vs1s / 1000.0, v_vs1s))) elif type == "vs2": prps.append(("V$_{S2}$ (km/s)", (vs2s / 1000.0, v_vs2s))) elif type == "vp/vs1": prps.append(("V$_{P}$/V$_{S1}$", vps / vs1s)) elif type == "vp/vs2": prps.append(("V$_{P}$/V$_{S2}$", vps / vs2s)) elif type == "s anisotropy": prps.append( ("S-wave anisotropy (%)", 200.0 * (vs1s - vs2s) / (vs1s + vs2s)) ) elif type == "linear compressibility": betas = mineral.isentropic_linear_compressibility(d) prps.append(("Linear compressibility (GPa$^{-1}$)", betas * 1.0e9)) elif type == "youngs modulus": Es = mineral.isentropic_youngs_modulus(d) prps.append(("Youngs Modulus (GPa)", Es / 1.0e9)) elif type == "minimum poisson ratio": inds = np.ix_(*[np.arange(i) for i in poisson.shape[:-1]]) + ( np.argmin(poisson, axis=-1), ) vlines = _make_poisson_lines(mineral, n_rots, 0.02, plot_minimum=True) min_poisson = poisson[inds] prps.append(("Minimum Poisson ratio", (min_poisson, vlines))) elif type == "maximum poisson ratio": inds = np.ix_(*[np.arange(i) for i in poisson.shape[:-1]]) + ( np.argmax(poisson, axis=-1), ) max_poisson = poisson[inds] vlines = _make_poisson_lines(mineral, n_rots, 0.02, plot_minimum=False) prps.append(("Maximum Poisson ratio", (max_poisson, vlines))) else: raise Exception("plot_type not recognised.") contour_sets = [] ticks = [] lines = [] both_vs = "vs1" in plot_types and "vs2" in plot_types both_poisson = ( "minimum poisson ratio" in plot_types and "maximum poisson ratio" in plot_types ) if both_vs: vsmin = np.min(np.array([vs1s, vs2s])) / 1.0e3 vsmax = np.max(np.array([vs1s, vs2s])) / 1.0e3 if both_poisson: poissonmin = np.min(min_poisson) poissonmax = np.max(max_poisson) for i, prp in enumerate(prps): title, values = prp plot_lines = False if len(values) == 2: if plot_vectors is True: plot_lines = True vlines = values[1] values = values[0] axes[i].set_title(title) vmin = np.min(values) vmax = np.max(values) vmin2 = np.min(values) vmax2 = np.max(values) if (title == "V$_{S1}$ (km/s)" or title == "V$_{S2}$ (km/s)") and both_vs: vmin = vsmin vmax = vsmax if ( title == "Minimum Poisson ratio" or title == "Maximum Poisson ratio" ) and both_poisson: vmin = poissonmin vmax = poissonmax spacing = np.power(10.0, np.floor(np.log10(vmax2 - vmin2))) nt = int((vmax2 - vmin2 - vmax2 % spacing + vmin2 % spacing) / spacing) if nt == 1: spacing = spacing / 4.0 elif nt < 4: spacing = spacing / 2.0 elif nt > 8: spacing = spacing * 2.0 tmin = vmin2 + (spacing - vmin2 % spacing) tmax = vmax2 - vmax2 % spacing nt = int((tmax - tmin) / spacing + 1) ticks.append(np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt)) contour_sets.append( axes[i].contourf( theta, r, values, n_divs,, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) ) lines.append( axes[i].contour( theta, r, values, ticks[-1], colors=("black",), linewidths=(1,) ) ) if plot_lines: for line in vlines: axes[i].plot(line[0], line[1], color="white", linewidth=1) axes[i].set_ylim(0.0, 1.0) axes[i].set_yticks([]) return contour_sets, ticks, lines